Since the Bible seems to say that God will make his name known , that is why jws say that the name Jehovah can properly be used because " is the most widely used" Since the Bible seems to say that it si God who makes his name known and since Jehovah according to the WT is the most widely known vesrions of the name, it would be kinda starnge if God allowed an inproper version of his name to be so widely known and refering to him.But according to scripture has made his name known Jws concede that no one knows the correct pronuciation of the name, so the logic is that it is not the way it is pronounced but what is important is that it is the most widely known.
JoinedPosts by fearnotruth22
You Reap what you SOW??!!
by Netty ini am so bummed right now.
my sister, who is df'd, has so many medical conditions, she suffers alot.
she has recently been dignosed with fibromyalgia, and is in such extreme pain, she had to have cortisone injections into various trigger points into her neck and spine.
"weep with those who weep"
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Thst is why the average joe can onlu understand loving his fellow man. Love of God, well that cannot be clearly defined or understood as it means many thins to many people even causing people to kill people for the love of God. Thats not nice although it is niceto get rid of people that want to kill or harm you I think.
We dont have all of the facts and do not have the authority to judge the creator, but in my opinion if God has the good human qualities that people have, he will find it in his heart to help everyone and not come a killin and a punishing but will figure out someway to" openning up his hand and satisfying the desire of evry living thing" verbatum. and not to do acts of human suffering. Mankind needs relief and help. Not scare tactics and be good now and reward later after your dead.
It is hard for me to sya that people are wicked even though people do soe really horrible things. But even people doing such things are victims too insome way. There is a causative reason why peopel do bad things, Deep down I realy cant blame the person That is not to say that aperson that chhoses to do something wicked is not reponsible for the actions.
Wouldnt i be a large way if God just put an end tosuffering and only help people instead of judging them and killing them, I thought jw had all the answers bu a lot of things jus dont make sense anymore.
Few people have ananlysed th Bible more than I have, probaly Reinhard and some other but I dont see things the way I used to.
Sctually there si no forgiveness since a payment i required. The torture and murder of a innocent man was supposed to be the required payment of the debt. That is a large payment and not fprgiveness in a large way as it seems to me not having all of the facts or variables that God has.
The argument goes on and on with no relief of suufering. My opinion
marriage = jw + jw
by HapEMelissa indoes the marriage of an active jw have to be to another active and practicing jw?
When it comes to marriage, Jw teachings does not df someone from marying a nonbeliver (not jw) or an "inactive" jw or an irregualr jw and so on. But might as well be, because you will be viewd as someone that rejects Bible counsel by the Elders and the cong. THis means that you will be trated as something cheap, or more accurately said you will feel cheap becuase of how youb are dealt with. Years may go by and maybe your marriage is beter that jw jw and maybe your spouse even converted to jw but a resntful (for lack of a better word) attitude toward you by the cong will never be wiped out.
That ugy sisster that never got married will always hate you because here she is loyal to the arrangement and you didnt mary her and all the other single sis will also be angry with you. Hence you will never have the respect that you want from others in the org ever.
If you are a sis and marry "out of the truth" also you will never be viewed with and treated with the respect that you wish. You will alswyas feel the disaproval of your act.
THere is no marking talk for marying an unbeliver but sometimes for dating a non believer.
Many sis in the org are stuck because not enough bros to marry them. Kinda hard for the sis,
many never will get married no sex no nothing only wait for the new system aaaand pray for a marriage mate or listen to the talks in the assemblies about problems of married life and how great it is to be single. sad sad sad.
The jw too on his own will never forgive himself as amatter of principle if he marries a non jw as defined by jws (n0n beliver) because he will always know he did something that he knew was wrong and no matter with what facade of forgivenss he is treated, he knows he failed and he knows that thers will never forget it. If you are like me, you cannot tolerate being treated as a second class human being.
If you are df or labeled a" bad example" forget it man, your up the creek. YOU cant mary a jw because if someone marries such they will experience the pressure.
In ancient WT times, both nmates were disciplined if they seperated een if one was totally innocent, now isometimes it depends on how popular you are in the org and can continue to have "privildges" but that does not apply equally to all separated jws.
Heres the Talmud on this matter, the oral law. You must marry a jw, and the jw that you marry must be "spiritual". If you are a bro and marry a sis which si "weak" forget it man. You are a second class bro if that is does not become "spiritual" as you will be viewed as one who cannot preside over the cong in a fine manner. So she has to put on a show if you want a title if she is not spiritual. If you are a sis and marry a bro that is not reliusly inclined, he will never be "used" and you will feel cheap.
These are my views. Not saying these are Bible truths, ponly my observations.
Hot news !
by Simon innew message board opens .
ok, ok...probably not really hot news 'cause you already knew about it but i've got to add a few posts haven't i to get things started
Maybe I just seem weird because you dont understand me. I am a normal. Imagine though how weird jws seem to the rest of the world: no blood, no chrismas, no birthdays, end is comming, satn contrls the world.. , when one has that mind set it seems normal but to evryone else man that si off the wall. AS yoy know jws are normal people but only have a certain mind set.
Also imagine how weird posters seem to a jw that comes to this board. After seeing post about the Un, Tobacco, and other stuff the immediate reaction is no way, lies apostates,weird people, but... if they take a closer look then they will see things are not as weird as imagined.
I understand people, how they think. I dont find anyone weird. I have empathy and compassion for all people who have all commited the crime of being born I have an open mind. That is why sir, I am on this site. . anyway maybe if i decide to continue posting you will get to understand that this human being is not weird.
Hot news !
by Simon innew message board opens .
ok, ok...probably not really hot news 'cause you already knew about it but i've got to add a few posts haven't i to get things started
Off Topic Question.
Why is the Society going to build on Jay street if the move is to upstate and they are selling waterfront property and rumor that they will lay of bethelite?
14 things to do in walmart!
by ChimChim inhaha, i just recieved this email... i thought it was too funny, while you read it just picture yourself doing it!!!.
** 14 things to do in a walmart while your wife or significant other is taking their sweet time shopping!
1. get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking.. 2. set all the alarm clocks in housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.. 3. make a trail of tomato juice on the floor to the rest rooms.. 8. when a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "why can't you people just leave me alone?".
The "Critical Times" Con-Game - Dec. 15 Watchtower
by metatron in"all this testifies that we are living in 'critical times'" - 2 tim.
3: 1-5 (dec. 15, 2003 wt pg.
they never get tired of repeating this deception, do they?.
Got my forty
The answer to your question about earthquakes is found in the awake mag entitled EARHQUAKES AND YOU. This article is insiduous new light atht probably slipped the eyes of the majority. REad it carefully and you will see that a change in teaching has taken place. According to the article, earhquakes magnitude and frequency not greater than in other generations, this ammends the teaching in the insight book stating that eartquqkes since 1914 greater in magnitude and frequency. I am only paraphrasing the citations I mention, worth the read.
What is the Purpose of this Site - My personal opinion?
by jst2laws ini was a little surprised to learn that many people do not really understand the purpose of jwd.
many are focused on freedom of speech and the fact that this is a "discussion" board.
to some this does seem to go against the heavy moderating the board has seen lately, feeling that discussion is suppressed, some going so far as to suggest that mind control is subtly involved here as in the organization.
I agree with Simon. It is the fair thing to do to that someone that represents Policy of the administration, when he sees a need, reminds posters, or make any ajustments needed relating tothe intended purpose of this board, to protect the mebers and guide so that things do not go to any extreme, howver, it is only just that it is donre with fairness and not imposing his personal views on others.But if the borad becomes a police station, it will be very dull if people are not allowed to say waht they feel but can only say what they arelimited to.
What is the Purpose of this Site - My personal opinion?
by jst2laws ini was a little surprised to learn that many people do not really understand the purpose of jwd.
many are focused on freedom of speech and the fact that this is a "discussion" board.
to some this does seem to go against the heavy moderating the board has seen lately, feeling that discussion is suppressed, some going so far as to suggest that mind control is subtly involved here as in the organization.
To say that JWS do not have the truth is a conclusion.When one says help anothe understand one actually means to force another to "understand" OUR conclusion and that is not freedom of the mind but "a white man's burden" ( dont conclude that I am black, I am not). All one should do is exhibit facts and arguments and allow individuals to think for themselves and be supportvie as to their concerns but allow them to decide for themselves and come to their personal conclusions. When one says one wants to help someone understand is with the premise that one is right and they are wrong and we want to converst them to understand things our way. Is not that what the WT does?
What the WT hhas besides billions are teachings and doctrines and interpretations as to what the Bible means and the international brotherhood and they also claim to be the exclusive agency of God.
Is this all true? At least the billions of dollars is true I hear. As to all the other stuff, who really knows?
Keeping with the Theme of this Board, let's not discuss things that are pro wt, but what can be shown is the controversial side that challenge wt claims to help individuals make personal choices and let the viewer believe what he wants and not what he is coerced to belive. This is my view.