Dear AA:
What youve done with my post is what people do with the Bble, Youve only addressed one sentence, isolating it from the context of my post. By doing this you misrepresent what I stated, ignoring my arguments. The statemsnt that I made about the Bible not giving satisfying answers is a conclusion supported by my argumentation as stated. You must challenge my argumentation and not my conclusion.
AA as I stated before, you are preacching to the converted. WE know the Bible from the wt perspective here. Just as the Bible satsifys you, so does the book of mormon satisfy the lds and the mishna and Talmud als satisfies the jews.Just as ancient wt teachings satisfied mistaken believers of that time
Since you are not an authority on the Bible, you are only repeating indoctrination that you are not qualified to understand or to teach, that is why the wt has commentary on every verse of the Bibe based on their understanding not yours and again and again and again inlight of the facts they have been wrong. THe verses you quoted do not support your personal conviction.the birden of proof showing that it is is upon you.You only sroll verses which prove nothing as their meaning is not known conclusively This post has exhauest arguments which gives reason to belive thatanother perspective on the Bible is possible to say the least Although you LIKE to belive what you think the Bible means, as some people like chocolate others like vanilla so what. It is pointless to repeat the great comments that Ihave read on this post pointing to another view. Just for your information, latest wt teachings are also pointing toa newer look at the Bible T
There is a problem with your thinking, and that is that you are assuming that the Bible IS from God. Since you have not proven it to this board (and aside from wt indoctrination iit is very unlikely that youhave even proven it to yyourself) , you cannot use excerpts from it which are theories and assumptions and wishfull thinking as a basis for anything, and quoting from something that is not documented is meaningless. I like hot baths, a cold beer every once in a while and I also belive that the creator is good and loving and one day will explain everything. but there are a lot of things in the Bibel that dont make sense hence as this board has argued, belief in the Bible as chrustians and jws see it is questionable and another view is possible. If you could prove that God is the Bible's author then case closed, but that cannot be done. However, there is reason for the reasonable man to question that a good and loving creator does not do ceratin thing mentioned in the Bible that he did .
Hence Post theme
Even the wt does not comit itself to any definitionbut if you carefuly read commentaries on scripture an out is always left open in case of retaction from a position. hence you will see statemenst as:
The arrangement we have at this time
We cannot read hearts
It is Better to err in mercy
present understanding
new light.
EVen the teaching as to the reward to "obedient mankind" is not clealy defined as something creatures "will be able to experience".
The conversation stopper is "I don't belive the Bible is the word of God"
and now if you want to to try t show that it is you will get nowhere, not because of rejecting facts, but because it sia waste of time using inductive and detuctive reasoning and arguments to prove something. Sure aargumentation helps but it does not replace evidence which God has not provided. Sure one day he will and will take care of everything but until then
a leap of faith. not fact