I like the NWT. Accurate.
JoinedPosts by fearnotruth22
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Reading AAf's post is like reading aesops fables or some faairy tale. Sounds nice but thats about it.
Capital Punishment and the WTS, yes or no?
by blondie inwhat is the wts official stand on capital punishment?
eugenio muriel, a jehovah's witnesses elder who found the bodies when he arrived at the house for bible study, said he was satisfied with the prosecutor's decision monday to seek the death penalty.
Thank you Blondie.
I am in agreement with your view. Personally I feel that the state does not have a God given "right" to execute capital punishment as the wt mag posted argues.
While I do not challenge the state's power to execute,and neither do I rebel against it, I do challenge the scriptural arguments used to support the belief that Caesar has a God given right to do it. I also challenge the state's legislation which authorizes the state to execute the death sentence as a legal requirement for capital offenses. In my opinion the only justification for killing is self defense.
Might makes right so that govs do whatever they want, executing laws to legalize their actions , but the less rights God gives the state the better of humanity will be.
Capital Punishment and the WTS, yes or no?
by blondie inwhat is the wts official stand on capital punishment?
eugenio muriel, a jehovah's witnesses elder who found the bodies when he arrived at the house for bible study, said he was satisfied with the prosecutor's decision monday to seek the death penalty.
Maybe blondie.
But all thinking people in the USA know that church leaders of mainstream religions frequently express their personal views and feelings on matters many times controversial to church policy.Howver Since the jws are viewd as eccntric by the majority, I agrre that people can erroneusly conclude that all jws are like the one under the microscope.
But my post also states that although the elder was only expressing his feelings and not the society's official position, in actuality YES to capital punishment at leats in the US. is the society's position as my post explains, And thats the point that I am focusing on. What I ma stating is that although the wat claims to be neutral, actualy it says yes to capital punishment so unknown to the elder, he was actually stating the wt position.
WT position is mysterious.
How about in countries where adultery and other moral crimes are punishable with the death penalty? Can the wt say that the state has God given authority to execute capital punishment for such moral crimes? In the Bible murder was not the only capital offense.So for the execution of what crimes does the wt say that the state is actinng for God. In the Bible , what is the difference between murder and adultery. Both required the death penalty from God before Jesus.Since in the NT Jesus forgives repenatnt sinners of all capital crimes How can the state have God given authority to execute for sins forgiven by Jesus especially because Jesus sates that "all authority has been given to me.."
Why then say God has authorized the state to execute capital punishment representing God's justice which is based on Bible laws which he has abloished with the new covenant as believed by the wt
God allows the state to exist hence it is sais that God gives it authoiry, God also alloes murder does one conclude that God also authorizes that?
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
AND YET I still love and bless the lifegiver because he has given ME Life.
And I am also greatful to him for all of the good things that he has given me.
Capital Punishment and the WTS, yes or no?
by blondie inwhat is the wts official stand on capital punishment?
eugenio muriel, a jehovah's witnesses elder who found the bodies when he arrived at the house for bible study, said he was satisfied with the prosecutor's decision monday to seek the death penalty.
Seems that the elder was only speaking for himself and not voicing wt official teaching on the subject.
The wt does say that Government does have God given authority to execute capital punishment. By endorsing state execution as an expression of God's authority, the wt is actually saying yes to capital punishment while claiming to have a neutral position.
Captital punshment endorsed in the Bible wasfor moral law violations and was a direct expression of God's justice (according to the Bible). So that even when the Bible states that God used Assyria, Rome, as God's executioner, it does not mean that God had given these Caesars the authority to execute because they represented God's justice in all cases but only on specific instances.
In the USA the state does not dictate what is moral neither is anyone killed for moral reasons but only for legal reasons, however the Bible only endorsed moral based executions in the pastby God's agents
In our time Again, and again, and again the state has mistakenly executed inocent victims, oops Im sorry. And with all of the corruption ad deception, and mockery that makes up the Us court system and all world court systems being responsible for murdering whom they want, one cannot trust the state foe excuting anyone. But above and beyong that, there arte other reasons.
The Elders Are Getting Opinions About Minimus
by minimus inmy mother told me that her bookstudy overseer asked his group this question---"why do you think a mature brother in the truth would just suddenly leave and stop coming to meetings?
any ideas?
" the group gave different opinions and finally he gave what he thought could be the reasons.
This is not a new question. In meeting with the co such things are discussed. But all jws must be well aware that no n one just leaves meetings. There is a developement by wt definition, fiest prayer, personal study, fieldservice, finally meetings. jws know this already.and why anyone can stop attending prior something secret must have beeen going on for a while according to jww understanding. Dont know why books study cond would aks such a ques unless new bros in the study or to adrres some prob he sees.
A serious question about the angels that materialized pre-flood
by TweetieBird inaccording to the bible, the angels saw the daughters of men, materialized into human bodies and married the women, had children.
here's my question...did they create for themselves a human body or did they transform themselves into a human body that already existed?
i know this may seem silly, but i was just wondering where the sperm came from to impregnate the women?
great post. I dont undrstand where the life passing sperm comes from seems,only from God since he is said to be the live giver and the source of life.Earth locked creatures can pass on life to descendants. Somehow angels rebeling fom from god also did his
What would you consider to be 'Victory over the Watchtower'?
by nicolaou ini'm not talking about a victory which might include welcome reforms on blood policy, shunning or the handling of abuse allegations.
what i want to know is what we would consider to be the victory.. it is unlikey in the extreme that the various corporations of the watchtower empire will ever be closed down so, realistically what can we hope for in the long term?
say 30 - 50 years?.
The wt is a Titanic religious or having billions of us dollars, euros and stock 6 million people strong with 12 million attendance at the memorial give or take. It is very unlikely that such a solid structure will diisipate.
Look at mainstream religion and the bolgna that people followi knowing it is bunk, so tooo jw loyalist will stick with the org no matter what happens.
The book "the true believer" shows how in movements such as the jjw movement, its puprpose and basis are shoved aside and become secondary , so it is. No end, no gt, unfulfilled expectations but new members sign up every year, Also jews, catholics moslems and the like.
The wt is here to stay. It will only break up if organized religions falls as the wt teaching predicts, But as long is religion is around, so will the wt.
Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!
by AwakenedAndFree indid you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
THe sky is blue? Says who?
The Pope is Polish SAys who?
It falls from tree says who?
not me.