You can request to read the letter of intro if you change congs. It depends on the body what details are written , but lots of details about a particular situation can be contained in such records.
But all an elder has to do is to see that you have a record even if he doesnt read the details but sees the sealed file. He tells his wife and then the congreagtion knows. And if the leders in your hall are like the ones in mine, they will make remars about you and allude to your past even after many years of your good standing. You will always feel like garbage and intimidtated because they know something about you. Even oif you beome and elder or ms, they got you. You will always have to play the role of the repentant sinnner and the publishhers will not respect you Better off having no one having info that will be used against you. You will be ruined and never be held in any high esteem.. If you are a perverse child molestor watch out becaus eth org keeps a list of such individuals.
Whether the record of the judicial committe can be transfered to other congreagation is not as important as the having of a record in any location which contains particulars and personal information IN WRITING that you dont want anyone to see. Fine yu repented and all that and are now a good boy so why keep a record that others can use against you and that damages you. Such records should be destaroyed when a pub dies, but I know for a fact of records still there after a bro dies. Funny the Soiety teaches that death is payment in full for sins to God, an aqutital but the Society still keeps the records after death.
THe elders can destroy records at their whim for anyone they favor who has been a good boy for years exept to those repeat offenders or patter sinners even if the were good boys for years. Just because a bro later is appointed does no result in the destroyning of records. They can remain even after the bro dies
In my opinion. It would be great if a jw wanting help from the elders could get that help without records. BUt the less people know about you, the better off you are.