Now I know why I always did poorly in math! It was the JW's fault!
As for Ferusalem, I've never heard of the place let alone was aware that it fell.
nabonidus -- 17 years.
nebuchadnezzar -- 43 years.
nabonidus -- 17 years
i just had to pass this on to you.. it is an e mail that is making the rounds.. what do you think of this.... (beware!
gagging may be expected).
the 41,000 friends at the international convention in michigan .
coming at this as a householder rather than an ex-jw, i'd love to hear from any of you about comments from householders that made an impression on you, back when you were active in the door-to-door work.
since the jw's first knocked at my door 13 years ago, i've done my best to give them something to think about every time they knock at my door.
i always introduce myself by name and try to get their names.
The householders that stick out in my mind I encountered with my best friend when I was 15. They were these 2 hot guys who invited us in to talk to them & an assortment of their relatives. Turns out they were all very well versed in scripture and knew more than both of us put together about JW doctrine. They asked us questions about everything from the 144,000 to the Trinity, to blood roundly defeating us on every argument. (to be fair my only r.v. at this point was a lonely old lady who gave me cookies) They did an awesome job in convincing us our religeon made no sense whatsoever. While I already had serious concerns about the whole JW thing at that point, they completely wiped out any lingering doubt I had.
coming at this as a householder rather than an ex-jw, i'd love to hear from any of you about comments from householders that made an impression on you, back when you were active in the door-to-door work.
since the jw's first knocked at my door 13 years ago, i've done my best to give them something to think about every time they knock at my door.
i always introduce myself by name and try to get their names.
does anyone here have any bizarre or hilarious stories about brothers or sisters you have encountered?
i'm betting there's alot of good stories out there.. i'm from an isolated area on the canadian border where odd people tend to congregate.
i guess neither country wants them.
Does anyone here have any bizarre or hilarious stories about brothers or sisters you have encountered? I'm betting there's alot of good stories out there.
I'm from an isolated area on the canadian border where odd people tend to congregate. I guess neither country wants them. The two congregations in the area were a sociologists dream. The most noted of the notable were the former drunken bear guide dogsledder turned ministerial servant with the very explosive temper. The elder's wife with a penchant for peeking in others windows after dark. (who once announced at a meeting that sister newlywed, her daughter in law, had been wearing fancy underwear. The Elder's wife was privately talked to about this I guess) My personal favorite was the vagabond family who just showed up one day and, after being there only a few months, decided to go to the public library to find out what the other congregants had been reading to prove their disloyalty to Jehovah, McCarthy style. They were unsuccessful, but hi-larious.
last meeting i ever went to was a memorial, 6 years ago.
i remember it well, and it wasn't even my own hall.
it was so boring.
Seems like alot of people's last meetings are book studies or memorial. Mine was a book study. I like Winston's description of it being craptastic, too true. There was an anouncement for some special assembly in South America. During the "fellowship and cake" segment of our bookstudy, the girl sitting next to me asked me if I would go with her. I told her I had better things to do than hang out at a lame assembly in South America. I hadn't realized more than a few people were listening to us talking and a hush came over them like you could hear crickets in the background.
hello girls and boys!
the media usually gives the impression that woman are more interested in cultural events than man.
is that true?
last night we had a hell of a storm here.
there was thunder, lightning, pouring rain and wind.
personally i love stormy nights, cuddled up to hubby in a warm bed.
I would always wish to be assigned to the "zealous", just turned 18, pioneer sister's cargroup. We lived in isolated bordering on unassigned territory and she would always take the territories on the outskirts, 50+ miles from the hall. By the time we arrived we would take 1 door, or sometimes just fake the card to say whatever without actually getting out of the car and return home. Occasionally we would drive to the nearest movie theater,120 miles one way, counting field service hours the whole time. I saw Wayne's World twice that way. Sadly she is still "in" although I credit her with helping me to see the light.
are right fess up people.
how many of us went in field service and placed literature without even opening the covers ?, let alone reading the articles.. how about following up on a return visit for a magazine you never read ?.
i have to admit, i did it many many times.. maybe we should of went into the used car business.
I have to admit I seldom to never read the Watchtower in the last few years and would just base my presentation by whatever was on the cover. My best friend and I would always team up and would try to get away with pretending to knock on the door, waiting the appropriate amount of time, then returning to the group declaring a not at home. We amazingly were never caught.
this is my first post.. when i was still a witness myself, there were some perennial stories regarding 'famous' jehovahs witnesses or ex's.
does anyone know any truth or have any proof about the following: hank marvin, cliff richard and more importantly, the man who hit the gong in the 'rank' movies?.
if you have anyone of note you want to tell me about, i'd most appreciate it too.. cheers, rush.