Thanks again Scully, that was exactly the kind of answer I've been looking for.
LoL Elswhere!
I agree with you Got My 40, patience and whittling is my only hope with my mom.
alot if not all of you have beat your head against the wall of jw dogma spewing forth from a loved one.
i'm hoping some of you may have come up with some good answers to some of it or maybe even something profound enough to get through and actually change a jw mind or two.. i'm specifically looking for points to bring up regarding da-ing and df-ing, and why it's wrong.
i'm dealing with the extremly set in her ways, new world translation or nothing sort of jw, just waiting to brand me an apostate.
Thanks again Scully, that was exactly the kind of answer I've been looking for.
LoL Elswhere!
I agree with you Got My 40, patience and whittling is my only hope with my mom.
alot if not all of you have beat your head against the wall of jw dogma spewing forth from a loved one.
i'm hoping some of you may have come up with some good answers to some of it or maybe even something profound enough to get through and actually change a jw mind or two.. i'm specifically looking for points to bring up regarding da-ing and df-ing, and why it's wrong.
i'm dealing with the extremly set in her ways, new world translation or nothing sort of jw, just waiting to brand me an apostate.
No, I don't think your pesimistic, I agree with you, and yes she does have her head stuck up her ***! I was just hoping maybe someone has come up with something new I can use to possibly help her and myself. I guess I just always keep hoping for those magic words that'll get through to her.
another topic brought this up.
my dad slugged a guy who beat up his own wife, my dad's childhood friend, during the intermission right after the public talk.
which my dad gave, he was guest speaker.
My little brother had some "anger management" issues as a kid and beat up many kids outside the hall, in the hall, and at every congregation get together. His crowning achievment was when my mother took us on a bus tour to bethel and the incessant kingdom melody singing got to him and he just started wailing on the kid next to him. It took a couple guys and my mom to haul him off the kid. Of course they spanked him, that'll teach him not to be violent.
He is 1/4 Irish, hmmm......
alot if not all of you have beat your head against the wall of jw dogma spewing forth from a loved one.
i'm hoping some of you may have come up with some good answers to some of it or maybe even something profound enough to get through and actually change a jw mind or two.. i'm specifically looking for points to bring up regarding da-ing and df-ing, and why it's wrong.
i'm dealing with the extremly set in her ways, new world translation or nothing sort of jw, just waiting to brand me an apostate.
Alot if not all of you have beat your head against the wall of JW dogma spewing forth from a loved one. I'm hoping some of you may have come up with some good answers to some of it or maybe even something profound enough to get through and actually change a JW mind or two.
I'm specifically looking for points to bring up regarding DA-ing and DF-ing, and why it's wrong. I'm dealing with the extremly set in her ways, New World Translation or nothing sort of JW, just waiting to brand me an apostate. (which would be a correct brand by her definition, but she doesn't have to know it)
Any suggestions?
coworker: what does everyone else do?.
coworker: are you serious?
Way funny Irongland! I especially liked your use of illustrations.
I had that same conversation awhile ago at work too, my bartender co workers got really excited about the idea of crashing a memorial and drinking up the wine. Sadly I doubt they'll actually do it, but I think I may bring up the subject again closer to the big holiday just in case.
i am new to this forum.
i needed to tell all of you how much you have helped me.
i too, have been hurt by the jw's.
Welcome Strawberry....
Your story is very similar to mine, minus the military part. My dad was a biker. I remember those awful Paradise book pictures and worrying about my dad too. My mom used to say really similar things to my brother and I about armageddon. She actually told us we were going to have to prepare for the day he would die in Armageddon and went into detail on the whole flesh eating birds business. I'm glad you've gotten to know your dad now. He sounds like a really good dad.
i know some of you, especially those of you who were born before the 1970s, will remember the movie deliverance.. this is not about that, but in i have to say, for some reason, i have always been intrigued if not almost in-love with the instrument: the banjo.. one of the worlds most renowned banjo players was originally from northeastern new brunswick, canada: mr. maurice bolyer, from the le republic de madawaska (across the river from aroostook county, maine, usa).. that man, when i heard some of his recordings, i swear he could pop the cap off of a beer bottle, or any bottle for that matter.. i have considered learning how to play the banjo.. i know it has roots in western africa, which to me, makes it all that much more worthwhile to give'r a go.. dunno, but you have to marvel at the intense pickin' that goes on when you hear the banjo.
in the north american picture, the banjo really carried on well into the fabric of 'roots' music here (canada/usa).
merci monsieur bolyer, and so many other amazing north american banjo players.
Rayzorblade - The banjo rules!!!
I love blugrass, especially Bill Monroe, Flatt, and Skruggs.
every child and bible student was told about how wonderful the "new system" was going to be.
"and what animal do you want to have in the new system?
"......that was a very typical question.
This is a great question, I remember this coming up all the time.
I was into the whole lion for a pet idea too when I was really little.
I was also keenly interested in the non believing neighbor's giant house, dirt bike, and snomobile. He was a major jerk to me and I used to think how great it would be to "inherit" his stuff courtesy of a vengeful Jehovah! Pretty twisted, but it was a really cool house, and if it was Jehovah's will, all the better.
When I got a little older I noticed every time we did chores for our elder landlord like brushing, weeding, etc.. we were "practicing for the new system". That pretty much got me re thinking the whole the new system is going to be great idea.
I love Joanna's answer. Sailing around with Keats sounds pretty cool!
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Thanks Simon! These are all way funny!
have any of you on this forum, ever met up with anyone considered famous?
i've met a great deal of people over the years.
one of my most memorable: dennis leary, drinking a few pints with him as he sang "margaritaville" from the jukebox.
Name dropping time eh? I work at an Indian Casino in the bar dept. so I've met my share of "celebrities". Most of them of the "remember when" sort. All kinds of 70's and 80's bands, Charlie Daniels, Edgar Winter, Chubby Checker, Steppenwolf, etc... My very favorite television personality I ever met at work was Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell. He was really nice. His real name is Dennis. I've met all kinds of football players too, but I can never remember any of their names because I don't watch football! They get really ticked when I don't know who they are.