My Jerry episode would be: Jehovah's Witness Biker Children Gone Wild
(I was raised by a JW and a Biker)
Don't think I could ever go on Jerry though, I think I'm more Montel material.
what would your trash t.v.
talkshow episode title be?
what show would you pick to "air your affairs" on?
My Jerry episode would be: Jehovah's Witness Biker Children Gone Wild
(I was raised by a JW and a Biker)
Don't think I could ever go on Jerry though, I think I'm more Montel material.
what would your trash t.v.
talkshow episode title be?
what show would you pick to "air your affairs" on?
What would your trash T.V. talkshow episode title be?
What show would you pick to "air your affairs" on? Jerry Springer, Maury, Dr. Phil, .......?
Has anyone here ever gone on a talk show?
I worked with a girl who went on Maury. One of those DNA/Lie Detector episodes entitled "Who's my Baby's Daddy?" It turned out her boyfriend was the baby's daddy and neither of them were cheating.
Thanks Elsewhere for bringing up Springer- I love that show!
now that i've got some time on my hands during the day i noticed something odd about the jerry springer show.. it seems like every time it is on, one or more people are on the stage naked and waving their arms around and yelling.
why the hell do people on that show feel so compelled to take off their clothes?.
I think Jerry Springer is the best social commentary on the current mindset of the average American. It's vulgar, crass, loud, and tacky. Sadly the hicks people on that show are way too much like my neighbors and, even worse, some of my relatives.
I view Springer as the best example of why we need a better education system and why social change is needed in this country. It also shows what happens to alot of people when they're either raised in a cycle of unhealthy behavior or when all of their support systems fall out from beneath them at an early age. Many of the people on Springer are simply people who've fallen through the cracks and "Don't know no better" than to go on Jerry when a loved one has a sexy suprise for them.
As for the naked argument thing, I think it's a combination of staging and conditioning. My friends and I were just watching last night and commenting that how the people fight every time the bell rings, exactly like Pavlov's famous dog experiment. It's also a good study in herd behavior, one person flashes to get them Jerry beads and everyone's gotta do it.
-Smurfette- Who takes her Springer a little too seriously-
i haven't posted many times, and probably not many of you know me, so let me introduce myself in a few words.. my name is peter, i am 27 years old, and i am an ex-jw from hungary, a small country in east europe.
i was a witness for two years, before i started fading away and stopped going to meeteings about 3 years ago.
i did not get df-ed, nor did i dissasosiate myself.
Welcome Peter!
Sorry I don't know of anyone else from Hungary or Romania either.
hi, just wanted to introduce myself, i am 28 and from london and i am looking for some opinions.
i have family that are jw's and in my late teens i began bible studies.
i came close to baptism but was too scared about what i thought i would be giving up if i took that path.
Welcome Sarah,
I wish you the best in whatever you decide. I hope if you do decide to be a JW you do so because you believe it is right, not because it would please people in your life who would like to see you back in the truth.
I strongly suggest you research your options as the previous posters have suggested. I know things may seem bad to you now but that is exactly the mindset the JW's (and other organizations for that matter) rely on to get more members. They offer some pretty simple answers to some big problems and that can seem appealing when things look grim.
I also hope you stick around awhile and get to know some of us and hear our reasons for not being "in the truth" anymore. For most of us it goes far beyond the JW's "cramping our style". It is the basic tenets of their belief system, the constant "new light", and controlling mindset that sent many of us packing.
- Margy
i saw the photodrama of creation in bethel in color.
i didnt care for it.
#1 - Cannibal. The Musical.
Snatch, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Mothra, and anything with Monty Python, especially Life of Brian, rank highly on my list too.
let's have it out - what are the all-time best band names for witnesses?
i'll start it out with a couple, the first of which really is a jw band in seattle....local needsbad associationsep2ajint.
Way too funny!
The Watch Tower Top 10-
1. The Return Visits - The do not call blues
2. The Frustrated Teens - Me, Sister Jane and a chaperone makes three
3. Song of Solomon - Her breasts were like towers (removed from the charts pending disfellowshipping)
4. Sampson - Nazarites- How can we be like them (the remix) (removed from the charts pending WTBTS approval)
5. The Elder's Daughters - Look but don't touch
6. Sons of Elders- U Can't Touch Me!
7. Song of Solomon - Jehovah is keen (the re-instated mix)
8. Sons of Elders - I'm telling Dad
9. JWes 4 ev R - Whye get an edgeakashun (we r gunna live 4 ev r)
10. Song of Solomon - I saw Sons of Elders kissin' The Elder's Daughters (removed from charts pending re-disfellowshipping)
some recent threads on christmas celebrations got me to thinking about birthdays.
do jws forbid any aknowlegement of birthdays at all, or just the trappings of birthdays, such as cake, gifts and singing happy birthday?
what specifically is forbidden and what is ok?
I used to always get referred to the John the Baptist got his head chopped off as a birthday present story when I asked that question as a kid. And also the aforementioned vague pagan origins.
yes, i did it.. after the thread in which i asked how i could possibly tell my jw mum that i'm pagan....i decided to take the bull by the horns and tell her.. her reaction made me wonder if she reads this board.. firstly, to "ease" her in, i mentioned that i'm doing a course in reiki.
reiki is a complimentary therapy - basically hands on healing.
well, she said she knew a little about reiki and thought it was a good idea.
You hit that nail on the head Sirona!
My mom was Catholic, then got involved in Wicca and I think she was more about casting spells and quick results than the actual self introspection, meditation, and discipline involved with the real thing. Then she bought a copy of The Satanic Bible. I think she just went way too far overboard especially (and obviously) when she made the leap from Wicca to borderline Satanism. She and actually the whole family were pretty scared towards the end of her dabbling with the occult phase. (more scared of her than the occult, though) The JW's were completely totally the opposite of her previous way of approaching religion and I think it seemed safe to her. Also she was/is totally into yelling "Jehovah" whenever she was/is experiencing a "demon" attack. She definitely still knows there's more to chakras than just "body energy" but I don't know if she'll ever be ready to admit to herself what she already knows again.
yes, i did it.. after the thread in which i asked how i could possibly tell my jw mum that i'm pagan....i decided to take the bull by the horns and tell her.. her reaction made me wonder if she reads this board.. firstly, to "ease" her in, i mentioned that i'm doing a course in reiki.
reiki is a complimentary therapy - basically hands on healing.
well, she said she knew a little about reiki and thought it was a good idea.
I think you handled the situation really well. I thought it was nice that you broke the news to her gently rather than just throwing the news at her which would have allienated her for sure.
I found it interesting that your mother believes in Chakras as my JW mom does too, but she calls it "body energy". I think she thinks it sounds less demonized that way. She's also really into holistic and homeopathic medicine. Oddly my mom went from Wicca to JW the opposite of you!
- Margy