Donnye, There are supporting reasons for each of the bulleted items i listed already in this thread. I was simply summing them up briefly. I see you don't care to offer any substance to this thread, perhaps at least read it? And everyone shouldgive supporting reasonings to validate themselves. Otherwise, we would all just be spouting off baseless phrases without expounding on them. All of JW literature, especially books like the Insight, Reasoning, etc, are there to give supporting reasonings to validate their opinions and interpretations of the bible. You seem to want to only ask people about their struggles with faith on this thread. Offer something if you have something please, i'm intrigued.
CL, Lisa didn't say anything untrue or irrelevant to this thread. The OP may have been directed mostly at belief type of faith but pointing out that theists will wrongfully try and attribute trust type of faith to God is not uncalled for so much as to need "calling out" like you did. Seems like nit-picking really. If anything she was actually agreeing with your statement that "Having "faith" in a person because they have demonstrated their trustworthiness in the past is non equvical[to having faith in GOD]" Re-read her post and tell me that it doesn't agree with this. She's just stating it in different words.
I like what Terry said about Faith on your topic CodedLogic Is Faith Immoral?
"Faith is a component of survival in the self-aware.
A pathway may not be in evidence to get from point A to point B, so what remains to allow progess?
Faith allows forward momentum where a stall might otherwise be indicated.
The success comes down to a simple demonstration:
DO NOT TRY (because evidence suggests failure will occur)=NULL RESULT. Not trying guarantees failure.
TRY (even if no possibility in evidence)=POSSIBLE success. (Only those who try get a crack at what they desire.)
If you are alone on an island, there are no moral acts beyond maintaining life itself.
To NOT TRY to maintain life (build a fire, make a "HELP" sign out of rocks, search for food, go fishing, attempt to purify sea water, etc.) is immoral.
To give up HOPE is to condemn yourself to non-existence.
FAITH is a form of HOPE.
Hope says, "I will maintain a positive outlook and effort even though I acknowledge the possibility of failure."
Faith says, "I am absolutely convinced things will turn out for the best no matter what comes."
Faith is irrational, but has the side-effect of giving you a fighting chance."