26 pics that will give you perspective on our place in the galaxy and further:
Then go here and watch the short 4min accompanying video:
I have no doubt that the chance of a rock that forms into planet, being the right distance from a star and a moon to give necessary gravity and heat, would be very very plausible and not at all as unique as we think. Theoretically you could come up with other life sustaining scenarios if you adjust factors that describe our own. Distance from sun, size of sun, number of suns, size of planet, size of moon, number of moons, distance from moon/s, speed of orbit, speed of rotation of planet. Take from one, add to others to compensate. In fact one could probably come up with an even more ideal scenario for life than we have hear. A planet whose seasons are not as extreme, who's tectonic plates are less rigid to prevent severe earthquakes/volcanoes, who's atmosphere is more protective, etc. There are 100-200 BILLION observable galaxies. I'm no stats major but this earth might have had better chancesof supporting life than winning the Powerball?