So the venue was too loud and crowded for recording unfortunately. I can sum up from memory what many of their (Pastor and his son-in-law) main points were:
1) He asked if I have done as he asked me to do and that is approach God in prayer and ask Him to reveal Himself to me. Pastor knows I don't believe in Gods existence. This is silly. I may as well pray to the pink unicorn behind Jupiter to also reveal itself to me. I said I did just to continue conversation.
2) He spent a good amount of time trying to convince me that salvation is dependent entirely upon accepting Jesus Christ as savior and having a righteous heart despite your actions. Through my questioning we discovered that God blanketed the deserving ones of the OT with His righteousness thus saving them without Jesus Christ. God also reveals himself through the "evidence" of his creation to small tribes of people who have lived and died without the Gospel. These very people choose to accept or deny almighty God after merely being exposed to His creations. And finally, now that Jesus has come and gone it is through his name alone and our righteous hearts that God choses to open up that we can be saved. No matter what I said regarding the logical needlessness of Christ's death based on these premises and the issues with good people going to hell for non belief and bad people going to heaven for accepting Jesus on their death bed, this Pastor could see nothing wrong with this. Oh and before Jesus came everyone was thrown in Hades after dying and were to be judged after Jesus came so they can go to their respective destinations at that time. Babies fall under the blanket of their parents, evil parent=baby goes to
3) I mention something happening millions of years ago and suddenly get barraged with anti evolution and young earth questions and fallacies. These included:
a) how does anything become more complex, like genetic code. I gave several examples of things becoming more complex or dense in information.
b) 2nd law of thermodynamics. I interrupted his spouting about this topic with the fact that the universe is not in a closed system.
c) they made comments that showed that they don't know what evolution says and does not say. I taught them about natural selection, selective dispersion, environmental pressures, and they seemed amazed that whales have useless hip bones and their confirmed-by-genetics ancestors had legs, they wanted to see evidence of this. (I will provide it).
d) where does the human eye come from, its so complex blah blah blah. Also you cant through a grenade in a junkyard and expect a Mercedes to appear. They couldn't seem to agree with me that this very same logic must also be applied to a God who is far more complex than the human eye, and thought nothing of the fact that our eyes a far inferior to many birds and octopus.
4) We talked about God's acts of love and justice in the OT along with salvation aside from works. They read to me where Daniel on his deathbed was saying that he has never wronged God or broken a commandment and is saved by Gods righteousness. I got the pastor to make the claim that the actions of Daniel in killing Uriah didn't matter. I said that if that were true then God wouldn't have punished him for it. Pastor said that even today people have to be held responsible for their actions, murderers go to jail. I said "exactly, it would be unjust to kill a murderers baby to punish the murderer." They looked very confused by this. I said, "God killed Daniels baby to punish him for Daniel killing Uriah." They didn't believe me that God caused it, we read the scriptures and then they went on saying "oh well, God was merciful to spare Daniel because he had a plan for Daniel that included many good things and we cant know that plan, plus that baby went straight to heaven so its ok." I tried to show that the action of killing the baby is wrong no matter what the father did or what good may come of it. They then said "many things seem to go wrong or look bad but we can trust God is good and has a plan that leads to the most good in the end."
5) "Even Hitler was part of God's plan." I don't think my jaw could have dropped any lower here.
From here there was a lot of bouncing around back to the topics already listed because I felt I could never cover more than one or two refutations before they lead me to a new scripture or another horrible analogy pertaining to another topic.
6) I was given a print out of this explanation of why God allows evil including tsunamis here. This includes quotes like:
"If there is an absolute moral law, then there must be an absolute moral Law-Giver.”
"As for why God has permitted so much evil for so long, we can only ask: Who would know better than an all-knowing Being? As for us finite creatures, we must be content to know: “The secret things belong to the Lord our God” (Deut 29:29). "
“There were no earthquakes, tornados, or hurricanes in the Garden of Eden, and there will be none in the new heaven and new earth. The reason there are such things in between Paradise Lost and Paradise to Come is that “sin entered the world by one man [Adam] and death by sin (Rom 5:12), and as a result “the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in the hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God” (Rom 8:20-21)." "
"Although God does not cause the evil, nonetheless, He is working in the evil to bring about a greater good. God permits evil in order to defeat evil. He allows lower evil to produce the higher good."
"We can’t achieve patience without tribulation. Even if our suffering is lifelong, Paul reminds us that “this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Cor 4:17)."
"God is more interested in our holiness than in our happiness. There is no verse in the Bible that says, “Be happy, as I am happy.” There are verses that declare, “Be holy, as I am holy” (Lev 11:44-45; 19:2). Yes, God is more interested in our character than our comfort, and He has been known to sacrifice the latter in order to achieve the former."
"All that are in hell chose it. Without that self-choice there could be no hell."
I plan to expose the absurdity in these statements to the best of my abilities but feel this will be our last meeting. If any could offer advice on how best to deconstruct the article I linked at point 6 it would be much appreciated. Thanks.