Hi! Blondie,MT.13:34 True but sad.Expectorate,to spit out Phlegm which causes sluggishness.Muscus,slimy / slippery.This fits them along with Speculations which has caused many to become sluggish,and show apathy toward this slippery org.Yet I know that we have a longing to help individuals come to see the things that we have come to see about the org.Its by our continuing to exposed the Societies' double talk and reverting to past ways in trying to keep that carrot in front of the reader with articles like the JAN 1ST,2003 ISSUE. Hi! Downunderandout. Very good, and so true a response. Hi! Beans,You and I know this.Others still need to be made aware.Again in the 2003 issue Jan1st,the Society is still pointing back to 1995 as a proof text from the Knowlege book and Nov.WT. Which is no proof at all.They themselves warn against Speculation and still do it "About to End".They continue to direct the reader to publications that tell them not to do that.I know you know this. But when I read the Jan1st ,2003 WT.issue I just had to report it for those who still need to see that this deception and speculation is still going on in spite of there own warning NOT to do it. Hi! Benext,Yes! "About to End"Based on 1995 kn.book and nov.wt.issue,which tells them not to use such language or wording.Hi! Namewithheld,They are not getting more clever. They continue to print "About toEnd" in the yr.2003 wt.1st issue.A reference which warns them not to do it in the 1995 kn.book and nov.1995 wt.which they use to try and give proof to their claims.This not clever of them . It just shows that they will continue to put the carrot in front of the readers and rank and file to keep them inside. Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
by Blueblades inhere we go again!the wt.1/1/2003,page 6,par:2.the time that god has allowed for humans to experiment with self-government is about to end.
(speculation).in fulfillment of bible prophecy,his kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914.
(speculation) footnote,for a detailed discussion of bible prophecy relating to 1914,see chapters 10 and 11 of the book knowledge that leads to everlasting life.now here is where it gets interesting.
by Blueblades inhere we go again!the wt.1/1/2003,page 6,par:2.the time that god has allowed for humans to experiment with self-government is about to end.
(speculation).in fulfillment of bible prophecy,his kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914.
(speculation) footnote,for a detailed discussion of bible prophecy relating to 1914,see chapters 10 and 11 of the book knowledge that leads to everlasting life.now here is where it gets interesting.
Here we go again!The WT.1/1/2003,page 6,par:2.The time that God has allowed for humans to experiment with self-government is about to end.(SPECULATION).In fulfillment of Bible prophecy,his Kingdom was established in the heavens in 1914. (SPECULATION) Footnote,For a detailed discussion of Bible prophecy relating to 1914,see chapters 10 and 11 of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life.Now here is where it gets interesting.(Knowledge book.page 96 WT. Society writes:"WARNING THEM NOT TO SPECULATE"about the matter(that is about when his Kingdom would be established,about the time of his return) they have done the very thing that Jesus told his disciples NOT to do! The knowledge book was released in 1995.Now notice the November 1st,1995 WT.page17."Eager to see the end of this evil system,Jehovah's people(no,not the FDS.) have at times SPECULATED about the time when the 'great tribulation' would break out,even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914.Here they have admitted that they SPECULATED that a generation was 80 yrs.and that means that the world would of had to have ended in 1994. This did not happen.Previously they had also SPECULATED that the world would end in 1914,1925,and 1975. Now, why does the Society violate the very teaching that they themselves understand ,that is, that God's word tells them through Jesus not to SPECULATE about the time of the end and yet they continue to SPECULATE not only once but a number of times. The lastest being the JANUARY 1ST ISSUE ,PAGE 6,PAR.2,2003.which directs the reader back to the knowledge book 1995 which contradicts what they wrote in november 1st,1995 wt.pg.17.about NOT SPECULATING! Blueblades.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #27
by ozziepost inthings are warming up this side of the pacific as we approach the summer season, so it's good to have a little relax and a nice cuppa.
time also to think of our poll for the weekend.
are you ready?
#4. I believed it at that time.#6.I used to be assigned to work with the ones the elders didn't want to work with.Other,Barking Dogs,when the owner would tell the dog to be quiet,the dog would BARK that much louder.When the owner would tell the dog to get inside, the dog would growl at the owner and move closer to me.I believe the owners actually trained the dogs to do the opposite of what they say only when JWS. come to the door.Where here to share, BARK ,BARK ,so then,ROOF ,ROOF,as we sayings,GROWLLL,therefore notice this verse,BARK,ROOF,GROWL. Dog sniffing my bookbag blocking my crotch.HOUSEHOLDER,"Sorry about the dog,hey nosy! stop that barking, roofing, growling and sniffing and get inside"."Get inside?" I know that means for the dog to do the opposite and move closer to me.So maybe we come back another time when the dog is not so friendly.Householder,"Sure,why not ?I don't understand what's gotten into him,(the dog )today,he don't normally act this way with "OTHER" people. Blueblades
Anyone taken legal action in DF'ing?
by startingover ina close friend of mine, in fact a lurker here, got a call last night inviting him to a jc meeting, accused of apostasy.
he would like to avoid this because of the things it would complicate, and would like to just be left alone.
i know in the past i have read comments of some who have threatened legal action in this situation.
Not many are aware that you can appeal an appeal in writing to the branch office.Its in the flock book ,also I wrote about it in one of my threads. you can look it up there ,its called" APPEALING an APPEAL?"Blueblades
Knowledge Book, Separation and Abuse
by IslandWoman inthe 1995 edition of the "knowledge that leads to everlasting life" book states on page 122 paragraph 11: those living together as husband and wife should make sure that their marriage has been properly registered with the civil authorities.
(mar 12:17) they also need to view wedlock as a serious responsibility.
true, separation might become necessary in cases of willful nonsupport, extreme abuse, or the absolute endangerment of spirituality.. .
Hi! IslandWoman,Your thread and the responses to it are clarified in the next chapter, ch.14.WHOSE AUTHORITY SHOULD YOU RECOGNIZE? This is probably one of the most important chapters in the book in preparing a person to become a loyal Jehovah's Witness.It is very subtly written, but the main thrust is that there is a chain of authority and the Watchtower Society is the "ULTIMATE" in that chain of authority.Just as a person is supposed to be in subsmission to God,they are to be in submission to the Society.They very cleverly teach that the Watchtower Organization is the same as God---so if one finds fault with the decisions of the imperfect men who rule the Society,they are accused of actually complaining against God Himself! Thus no Jehovah's Witness can find fault with anything the Organization does without being accused of being disloyal to Jehovah.So there is a need to separate the two teachings to actually see the" ERRORS " and changes the Watchtower Organization makes in their rules they give to the Elders when counseling Married persons who are having difficult marital problems to contend with.The WT.Society is not the "ULTIMATE " authority,God is! Elders are not in the qualified position to offer advice or solutions to Married persons.One of our Elders schools actually told us that we were not in the position to resolve many of the problems that the congregation was undergoing. I thought you might appreciate this information. Blueblades
Is 'Accuracy' Really Their Goal?
by metatron inwhile i have a lot to do, some watchtower deceptions are so galling, i am compelled.
to report them herein.. the dec. 2002 km has a full page article called "do you contribute to an accurate report?".
the introduction begins with a blatant lie to deceive simple-minded witnesses.. .
When I served as the book study conductor way back when.The secretary used to hand me a list of the ones in my book study group who failed to report their time.I remember how embarrassing and uneasy it was for me and the publishers to report the forgotten field service time.I hated to have to do this. That was when each one put their field service time in the box in the back of the kingdom hall.I wouldn't want to be a book study"OVERSEER"now or be in the bookstudy now, where you have to hand your report personally to the book study "OVERSEER".ERR,I can't read your handwriting, oh well i'll just put down 15 hrs.for you this way my bookstudy group will look real good in the report to the C.O.when he visit us.Blueblades
VENT about JWs!
by Sirona inthis is just a little bit of venting because i need it!
also i need to know what you think / your experiences.. ok. i leave jws and after a while i feel great about it.
i express how i feel to jws - they think i'm persecuting them!.
Hi! SIRONA,When they tell you that Jehovah made you get Cancer because you left.Asked them who was it that gave N.H.KNORR cancer, actually a (BRAIN TUMOR).He being one of the Anointed and President of the Society.So maybe you are in good company and your going to Heaven,like N.H.KNORR.Let me also tell you that my sister died when she was just 28 yrs old from Cancer and studying with the Witnesses at the time.My Mom also died from Cancer in my arms in the Hospital.So when they make heartless remarks like that about the source of how one gets Cancer ask the one question about N.H.KNORR and then just walk away.Blueblades
Anyone taken legal action in DF'ing?
by startingover ina close friend of mine, in fact a lurker here, got a call last night inviting him to a jc meeting, accused of apostasy.
he would like to avoid this because of the things it would complicate, and would like to just be left alone.
i know in the past i have read comments of some who have threatened legal action in this situation.
There is another way.If you can establish that they violated "CONFIDENTIALITY".That is revealing information to their wives or other close associates about the case on hand then they are DISQUALIFIED as elders.This not as hard to prove as it seems.Gossip and talk by others who are not supposed to be in the know on a matter could make for a problem for the elders to defend and put them on the defensive,turning the j.c.around to naming the ones who are not suppose to be talking about confidential matters.You could ask to have them brought in for questioning.What elder would want his wife brought in for questioning that could lead to opening a can of worms about their conduct and lead to disqualifying the elder himself. Just something that I think could be tried if this matter is available to you. Blueblades
Question about the Annointed.
by patricia inwhen you were still a jw, what was your concept of what happened to those of the "annointed" who had died.
i remember the scoffing and tittering when we were out in field service when a householder mentioned their belief that their loved ones were in "heaven".
we were told to ask them "what was heaven like?, were there pearly gates, did people eat up there, did they have emotions?
I once belonged to a congregation that had "ANOINTED ONES".Going door to door with one of the ANOINTED ONES,I noticed that he always said the same thing,"WERE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN GOD'S KINGDOM".I thought to myself if only the person at the door knew who it was that was asking that question.My! How priviledged I was to be working out in the field with one of the ANOINTED.When he got to Heaven would he put in a good word for me and my family.I thought living forever on a paradise earth was a certainty.Surely, my Anointed Brother would know that I most certainly was interested in"GOD'S KINGDOM".Another Anointed One asked me and my wife,"What do you think JEHOVAH has been doing for all Eternity"? We answered, we don't know! You must know,being one of his Anointed Ones. He smiled and said,"Preparing for an Eternity"! As to what they will be doing in Heaven.Whatever the Master tells them to do.My thought is that, ALL Christians are Anointed.I know that I didn't answer your question,just wanted to share this with you.Blueblades
Scape - goat
by Blueblades ina person,group or thing upon whom the "blame" for the mistakes or crimes of other's is thrust,making them a scapegoat.what do you think?has the wt.
society been guilty of doing this to you?
if so,how so?as for me ,the answer is yes.from the time i read the book,"things in which it is impossible for god to lie".i couldn't see the words,"however, if "we" are caught in a lie, it's all your fault,it's your mistake.when "we" were proven to be mistaken,it's still all your fault.ssshhh, keep quiet you scapegoat!
Hi! Francois.Your comment is true when one has knowledge of "Tactics of Cultism".I was speaking about when we don't have this knowledge and are caught "Unawares".(As has happened to countless numbers of persons, myself included.)Then the "Blaming the Victim"is unexpected, unusual and surprising.Otherwise,many of us would not have been caught unawares.Now however,after 32yrs.of deception,and along with many others having learned about the "Tactics of Cultism",that you have explained in brief,it is not unexpected,unusual or surprising to know this. I wish I would of met you 32yrs ago my family and I could of avoided all of this hurt.Thank you ,Blueblades.