Thanks A&S, maybe someone can scan it here or quote from it. This way we can see the doublespeak.
correct me if i'm not understanding this phrase, 'spirit directed organization'.. my understanding is that the watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every jehovah's witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.. nothing special is directing the watchtower society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by holy spirit and still use it when asking one of the baptism questions.. if they have no 'special knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by holy spirit especially when it comes to distrct convention talks.. blueblades.
Thanks A&S, maybe someone can scan it here or quote from it. This way we can see the doublespeak.
besides talking about the great tribulation and using it to scare the rank and file that it is coming real soon, when was the last watchtower study that dealt with this subject in - depth?.
i think it was somewhere in the nineties.
anyone remember and know when the watchtower did an in - depth study on this teaching?.
Besides talking about The Great Tribulation and using it to scare the rank and file that it is coming real soon, when was the last Watchtower study that dealt with this subject in - depth?
I think it was somewhere in the nineties. Anyone remember and know when the Watchtower did an in - depth study on this teaching?
I am one of those who believe the historical account that The Great Tribulation has come and gone with the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70ad.
Freddy Franz liked to spin two to three fulfillments on this teaching.
I believe it is a dead issue and the society knows it. However, it is one of the last teachings that they have left to hang on to and scare the rank and file with.
They are using it at this years District Convention and in their recent Watchtower studies
What are your thoughts on this?
if you are 50 or older you should read this very important...i had this procedure 2 years ago and glad i did....
I'm 63 and have not had it done. I will be seeing my cardiologist in september and will ask him if I can have it done. I have aortic stenosis, a narrowing of the valve, and will be given more tests in september to see have serious it has progressd or not.
Thanks for your concern.
correct me if i'm not understanding this phrase, 'spirit directed organization'.. my understanding is that the watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every jehovah's witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.. nothing special is directing the watchtower society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by holy spirit and still use it when asking one of the baptism questions.. if they have no 'special knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by holy spirit especially when it comes to distrct convention talks.. blueblades.
Correct me if I'm not understanding this phrase, 'Spirit Directed Organization'.
My understanding is that the Watchtower has recently taught ( someone may remember the exact watchtower that this was taught ) that the anointed and every Jehovah's Witness has the same holy spirit, no more no less.
Nothing special is directing the Watchtower Society when it comes to understanding the scriptures.
Why then do they keep on using this phrase, that they are being directed by Holy Spirit and still use it when asking one of the Baptism questions.
If they have no 'Special Knowledge', how is it that they write talks about being directed by Holy Spirit especially when it comes to Distrct Convention talks.
several years ago i was contacted by a well-known (actually famous and well-published) professor from the university of california at san diego and we had lunch.
he bought lunch.
doesn't everyone write books to make a whole big bunch of money?.
Farkel! Let me tell you this about that, furthermore, on the otherhand, its like I said before.
Jesse Jackson use to answer every question with that kind of statement. Try repeating that with his accent.
Why did I even tell you this?
Because nothing has been said. Words are very important.
Like the song goes, It's only words, and words are all I have to take your heart away.
You have written many words in all your topics and post responses and your words have had impact, not like Jesse Jackson who will be remembered for saying nothing with the words, let me tell you this about that, furthermore, on the otherhand, it's like I said before.
You have much to say and have said much in past articles, so, lets get that book done by x-mas, new years, valentine's day, easter, mother's day, father's day, memorial day, july fourth,
labor day, thanksgiving, halloween, x-mas. Any holiday release will piss the watchtower off. Send a copy to J.R.Brown
several years ago i was contacted by a well-known (actually famous and well-published) professor from the university of california at san diego and we had lunch.
he bought lunch.
doesn't everyone write books to make a whole big bunch of money?.
Farkel you have my support. Please write that book! The title will come to you as you progress through the writing.
I will give you one idea for a title," Farkel Writes a Book". That would capture my attention and I think many others because people would be wondering and asking, whose Farkel?
this week i was contacted by an old friend of mine who was recently disfellowshipped.
i encouraged her to check out jwd for support, advice and friendship.
she had a brief look but said it wasn't really for her, she would rather just "move on and have fun!".
Farkel! Many of us are glad that you did come to this site. I for one have read many of your articles and topics and have gain much from them. Thanks for being here!
Sweet Pea. I am glad that I found this place through Randy Watters Freeminds Site.
something does not make sense!.
i'll be back in a day or so to see if anyone found it.
jws won't be able to find it..
The two outstanding boxes: 1. fish, 2. oil.
Fish oil is supposed to be good for you
having problem pasting this...
Thanks to all of you for this "eye-opener". We lived close to the world headquarters and went to the Kingdom Hall at Bethel for a while back in the early seventies. So, we got to meet many of the Governing Body members. Franz, Knorr, Kline ,Sidlik, etc. We were invited to the room for drinks and had shared some meals. We were newly baptized, me 1970, my wife 1971.
We got the love bombing back then.Then it wore off and we were assigned to a Kingdom Hall in the local territory. Left the society in 2002. Found this site through Randy Watters. Randy and I talked on the phone once back in 2002. He was very helpful to me.
religion posted on mon, jun.
09, 2008reprint or licenseprintemail digg itdel.icio.usaimjehovah's witnesses to gather on six weekends in fort worthby terry lee goodrichstar-telegram staff writer most-read stories .
more than 42,000 jehovah's witnesses from the north texas/south oklahoma district will converge on fort worth over six weekends, with the first of the three-day events this weekend.
Terry don't shave the beard, wear sunglasses and a hat. No one has to know who you are. Tape some of the sessions. Love bomb them back. Don't challenge them for now.
They, the society ,in watchtower print, have admitted that they have no special knowledge or holy spirit that the rank and file are equal in that. So, where do they get the information about all this holy spirit stuff that they are using for their talks? If you could find that out,that I would like to know.