This week I was contacted by an old friend of mine who was recently disfellowshipped. I encouraged her to check out JWD for support, advice and friendship. She had a brief look but said it wasn't really for her, she would rather just "move on and have fun!". Another old friend of ours is the same - he has no interest in meeting ex-JW's as he too wants to just make a new life with no JW associations.
It all got Besty and I wondering how many ex-JW's are out there who never bother checking out the internet. I actually think that there is a much higher percentage of people who have left who are quite happy to forget all about the whole experience.
It seems like an avid interest or an avid disinterest in all things JW related is par for the course in leaving a high control group. Is there a middle ground?
Ex-JWs off the Radar?
by sweet pea 28 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
SWEET PEA- I can understand how those people you mentioned felt. When my wife first checked out JWD- I was not the least bit interested at first in dealing with anything " witnesses" as I had been burned a few years earlier by them. However, when she showed me it was a very supportive group of people, and you could learn many things , and be informed of stuff I had never known- I got hooked. Now, I really enjoy it, and contributing as well. It helps me see how to go about dealing with some witness relatives still in
I am not sure if there is a middle ground.
People do change, and for me I no longer want to associate with Ex-JW's.
Had I stayed in Ky, I probably never would have looked far and wide for association with Ex-JW's. -
I think the need for a support / information service like JWD depends on how deeply one was into the JW lifestyle, for how long, and whether they still have close relatives / friends caught up in it.
Some people who could really benefit from getting information and support choose to bury all the JW junk in their subconscious, and not deal with it. I don't know how that can be healthy. (I am not claiming that signing up on JWD and posting here is the ONLY way to deal with our JW past issues, but deal with it -- we must, sooner or later.)
On the other hand, if one was converted when older and only in a short time -- and has no relatives in it, I could see why they can just get over it and move on.
I was out for fifteen years before I looked into anyhthing at all about witnesses. Didn't want anything at all to do with or discuss. It can take a long time to come to a point where you feel as though you want to handle this type of discussion about things.
:It all got Besty and I wondering how many ex-JW's are out there who never bother checking out the internet.
Well, after I left the WTS I went for twenty years without ever giving the JWs a second thought. Then, out of curiosity about a decade ago, I typed in "Jehovah's Witnesses" in a search engine and WHAM! I instantly became demonized!
I have lots of friends who are EX JW's and none of them go onto any boards. I've known some of them for years both in the jw's and out.
Farkel! Many of us are glad that you did come to this site. I for one have read many of your articles and topics and have gain much from them. Thanks for being here!
Sweet Pea. I am glad that I found this place through Randy Watters Freeminds Site.
Mickey mouse
I recently got back in touch with a friend who left ten years ago. She has not checked out ex-JW sites although she has researched the history of the society and read books about cults. She actually said she still has the fear of apostate material. She was amazed I was able to bring myself to read any of it. I think many think they have left it behind when really it is still controlling them in some ways.
Mr. Majestic
The question should be:-
How hot is your friend, do you have her phone number, and does the expression "fun" mean what I think it does……??