Clever Birds, thanks
if you haven't already, check out this amazing video of some remarkably clever crows..
Clever Birds, thanks
just a silly thought.. throughout our reading of the old test.
we are always pointing out that jeh likes to kill ppl when it suits him.
he killed someone just for trying to steady the ark.
Insect would not be out of their enviroment in the new order. All creation will be set free and in it's right place. So, no insects would be out of there own place.
Of cause, this is if you believe the watchtower's version.
here is something that i have wondered if it would work.
for this experiment, you would probably need to be single with not much family.
you would also need to legally change your name.. what if you were df'd.
Recently the society admitted in The Watchtower that they have no more Holy Spirit than the rest of the witnesses. So, what does that tell us? They say that they have no more insight into the scriptures than other any member has. And yet they have talks on the District Convention all about Holy Spirit. They baptize new ones with the question about God's Spirit Directed Organization.
This alone tells us that The Watchtower Society Writers in the Writing Department must be talking about some other spirits, you know the kind found in the bottle,the kind of spirits that Joe Rutherford drank 24/7.
do you think any active jw's realise that their money has been used to compensate abuse victims and not for the world wide work?
Hi Jambon 1. I mentioned this very question some time ago. The answer was that the World Wide Work mony can be used to protect the Society's interest when it has to litigate issues that go to court.
I don't accept that answer because child abuse is a crime against an innocent individual. Such a crime committed by the Society's awareness and coverup of such crimes, they should not be allowed to use the W.W.W. Funds in their defense. That is not what the money is for. It's for Kingdom work.
I'm sure that the rank and file are not aware of this because many don't believe that the Society is guilty of such a coverup.
I worry about my heart, aortic stenois a narrowing of the valve, I'll know more about the condition in September with another battery of tests from my cardiologist. I worry about what happens after we die. Do we continue to exist or is it the big sleep? No one knows the real answer to that question. I hope that some kind of conscious existence goes on. Otherwise nothing makes any sense if we all go into the ground and that is that.
All the religions, all the belief systems, all the personal experiences, all the hopes will be for nought if when your dead your dead.
Of course worrying about this goes nowhere, but, I can't get my mind off of it.
My first religion Catholicism taught me that I will go to heaven when I die. 25 years of Catholicism. I don't believe this anymore. My next religion taught me that I will live forever on a paradise earth and will get this hope fulfilled in my lifetime. 32 years as a Jehovah's Witness. I don't believe this anymore. Six years since I started my fade, that makes me 63 years old.
I'm happy for those who have had a personal experience with the Lord and I'm happy for those who have a belief system that gives them hope to go on.
Fo me, I'm stuck in limbo so to speak. I guess I'll know or not know the answer when I die. Until then I'll be happy if I can live to 80 with my wife and see our grandson grow up, he is four years old now.
A prophet once asked God when all seemed lost," OH! GOD! Please Remember Me For Good!" I guess that is all one can hope for.
i have been fading for years now and attend meetings very rarely these days.
but something happened recently to make me think about going regularly again.
a couple have returned to my congregation who used to be special pioneers here twenty years ago.
Slim it is an illusion. Remember that they are captives of a concept. You are no longer captive to that concept.
Ask them the two questions. 1) What is the most important scripture in Watchtower Theology? 2 ) What is the most important event in Watchtower History?
Listen to their responses, they should be able to answer those questions correctly.
You already know the answers. They may be very good-hearted persons, however, they are still captives of a concept that is illusionary.
Only you can decide for youself what to do next.
what a fantastic book!
i really enjoyed it.
i loved the way don cameron refused to get bogged down with arguing for an alternative scriptural interpretation to the witnesses.
I would recommend Captives to all who lurk here and many who are sitting on the fence. Once you have read this book, there is no turning back. Your life will be better for it and you can move on to a more fulfilling life.
You have invested a number of years of your life to the Watchtower Society. Invest a few hours and read this book, it will save you countless years of a loss life serving the Watchtower.
Thanks again Cameron!
why leave the writing to inaccurate third parties who each saw things from their own perspective.
if his message was so important for posterity, why did he not write an accurate account of his message?
Hi jgnat! Your response on what Jesus did collecting a small group etc. comes from where, if not the Bible, from where did you actually learn this?
wilson, author of jesus: a life.
called the quest for god the biggest wild goose chase in history.
from karen armstrong's book: a history of god.. what do you think?
One of the biggest wild goose chases is still going on for those who are still Jehovah's Witnesses. Chasing the "CARROT" is a wild goose chase that one will never catch.
I chased it for 33 years.
How many years did you chase the "CARROT"?
The Carrot is what the Watchtower keeps inserting in their articles, "Everlasting Life On A Paradise Earth".
wilson, author of jesus: a life.
called the quest for god the biggest wild goose chase in history.
from karen armstrong's book: a history of god.. what do you think?
A.N. Wilson, author of Jesus: A Life. Called The Quest For God The Biggest Wild Goose Chase In History. From Karen Armstrong's book: A History Of God.
What do you think? Is the quest for God the biggest wild goose chase in history, or, is it just one of many other wild goose chases in history.
If you found God then there is no wild goose chase, because your quest is completed.
If you have not found God, have you stopped chasing? Are you still chasing? And is A.N. Wilson right? That the quest for God is the biggest wild goose chase man has ever chased?
I am no longer chasing something that I can't chase.