I lost my sister to cancer. She was 26 yrs young.She left behind six children and their father. She married young bore him six children then died of cancer. There is a ache within me from reading your story.I'm so sorry and I do feel your pain.My sister died 30 yrs ago,the memory and pain recur from time to time.Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
Life, death and other musings
by outbackaussie ini have been absent from here for afew days.
on thursday my hubby got a phonecall from his dearest and best friend's partner that the tumour in his brain had agressively spread and it was looking like time is just about up.
we have known that this was coming for about 2 years since he was diagnosed with the cancer but even now it is a shock and very numbing to know you will lose a dear friend soon.
Where is God?
by donkey inwhy does god allow this stuff?
according to your teachings, believers, just so he can stroke himself and show how man has failed.
in fact believers will read this stuff and shrug it off because in the future god will fix it it and it just proves why we need god..
Hi Donkey! Blueblades here! I can't answer that question.I have asked that same question over and over myself.The answer I was taught by the WT. Society is that God allows free will and the consequences along with it.The issue of Universal Sovereignty is still going on.Donkey, I don't accept this reasoning anymore.
Deductive reasoning persuades me to believe that an intelligent mind designed all things.What happened after that creative act boggles my mind.Stephen w. Hawking in his book "The Theory of Everything",which talks about the origin and fate of the universe concludes his book with these words,"If we find the answer to why the universe exists it would be the ultimate of human reason.For then we would know the mind of God.
Note that he says,"If we find the answer".So, that leaves everything questionable. And that is where I'm left at.Questions with hard to find answers.Where is God?Many have concluded He does not exist.Many have concluded He does exist.Both present some persuasive reasons for their conclusions.We can't have it both ways ,either He does exist or He does not.Now ,,just because someone stands by and lets horrible things happen to others, that in itself does not means they are non-existent.Trying to figure out the reason for this refusal to act in behalf of the suffering of others when you have the power to put a stop to it does not bring conclusion to this question either.
Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Where is God? Why don't He do something about all of these questions?Its very disturbing to read that story about the father torturing his children.The question you raised is appropriate and deserves an answer.I don't have it.Blueblades
My Finale on the Internet - Forword to 3 Parts
by Amazing inlife is tough regardless of whether we were ever jws.
my own life has taken some twists and turns i did not expect or like ... and i have to focus all my attention now on getting my badly needed open-heart surgery or face death in about six months ... so in the next couple of days, i am making the last of three posts for a while ... then all my efforts will be aimed at getting better, and facing some issues in my life and making the best decisions possible for me and my family.
i decided to limit many activities because i tend to do too much and neglect some things that i should not ... this is not a good-bye post, but more of a long vacation post.
JIM, Yours was the first post that captured me and I have been captured ever since.I have went to your archives and shared all that you have wrote with my family.My eyes are watering as I read your post now about this being your finale on the internet.Yet we must not be selfish,we release you to do what you knew you must do from that painful day when you first suffered your attack.Our lives have been enriched by your presence here.You will be missed but not forgotten.We love you though we never met you.You are real,take care my friend. Blueblades
Oh S#*t! what do i do now?
by Pleasuredome inif i survive it thru the coming inquisition of jan,feb & march....what am i gonna do for the memorial?
if i dont go big questions are going to be asked!
i dont agree with the rejecting passing of the bread and the wine... so what do you think i should do?
Pleasuredome, There is a WT.article that says you can celebrate the Memorial on your own.I don't remember which one . Maybe someone else does and they can post the reference.It says anyone who can"t make the Memorial especially the Anointed can even celebrate it the next evening.If because of hardship or sickness there was an allowance for this provision. JOHN R. I have been associated with a number of ANOINTED ONES even drinking and eating with them and have seen them partake at the Memorial . Blueblades
by Yizuman inseems that the page view out number the posters who actually reply to the thread.. my guess is that there's alot of active jws who are still active within' the so called "truth" are visiting this forum and reading all the threads.
i don't blame them for not wanting to reply for fear of being found out.. how many of you were still active when you found a forum like this one and lurked around for a long time?
how many of you left the organization as a result of reading this forum or other forums like it?.
I lurked without the intention of lurking against this forum in a malcontent way.I was searching this forum on the advice of others.Then I registered .Blueblades
Benefits to strengthing SOCIAL ties between us?
by Pathofthorns ini realize my comments are a bit wordy and my thoughts scattered, but i just thought i'd toss this out.
in the past, jw's argued on doctrine and the xjw community argued also on doctrine.
these days many jw's are no longer able to argue their own beliefs and the xjw communty has less interest in discussing jw doctrine or christian doctrine.
Hi Path,I was introduced to this forum,through Randy of Free Minds.It and Randy has helped me to get through the initial shock about the WT. Society.It was here that I was initially introduced to ,Crisis of Conscience,In Search of Christian Freedom,Apocalypse Delayed,The Gentile Times Reconsidered,Blood on the Altar,Releasing the Bonds and a couple of dozen other books, tapes,and links to other sites.I also had some phone call discussions with Randy and one short discussion with Raymond Franz and was able to follow through on some of their advice.My family and I have been helped immensely on this forum board .I have went back to some of the posts of some of the users that have titles such as Jedi,Emperor,Supreme, and read their thoughts that were posted then on a variety of topics.This has been very time consuming, but, worth every moment of it.Because of the education and help I received here I have been able to use all this information to help some others including my own family.I also find the thoughts of users that have titles of Newbie,Junior,Senior and Master.For those that have ben here for a longer time than others please don't ever tire of assisting us newer ones even though you read the same similar topics over and over.Remember when you first came here and the many questions and answers you had.I want to thank SIMON and ALL of YOU,on this forum.Path, for me so far this community right here has been a tremendous help and in turn my family has been able to help others through it .In the future we hope to expand beyond it.Blueblades
Your Favorite Quote Thread
by Pleasuredome ini've noticed quite a few good quotes when people post.
here is my favorite quote that means something to me: - .
"our lives begin to end, the day we become silent, about things that matter"
"By The Way" "Just One More Question" "Oh! That Explains It" "I won't bother you anymore sir." Detective Colombo.( and he had so many other clever lines to catch you off guard,like when he says,"You know my wife" he cleverly brings the wife into it.Blueblades
Chocolate Math.
by Vivamus ini got this from little toe.
i don't think it was posted here before, so try it!
chocolate mathematics.
I did it first, wow! Then the wife and she said WOW! COOL! Now we want Chocolate! None in the house we have to go out and get some.Blueblades
Poster desperately needs support and assistance
by refiners fire inthe jehovahs witness church took away all my ability to speak normally to, and to interact normally,with girls.
because of this i have an issue with sex and feel very sorry for myself, believing i have been deprived of a normal, sexually promiscuous, youth.
this has caused me much pain and suffering,and many sleepless and unhappy lonely nights in my life.
Refiners fire; Remember the saying,"Don't Ask"or you might get what you ask for.Remember what happened to King Solomon.He ended up senile among other things.Blueblades
Why did you become a Witness?
by JH inwhy did you become a jehovah witness ?
was it your parents who dragged you into it, or was it a friend, or maybe just a knock on your door from a stranger?
with all the religions out there, why did you choose that one?
It was in the sixties 1975 was looming! self-preservation for me and my family.I know. I was not serving a date.30 something yrs. later still here.Children are grown and married and long gone on their way.Misses and I still around but not for long.Blueblades