Why does God allow this stuff? According to your teachings, believers, just so he can stroke himself and show how man has failed. In fact believers will read this stuff and shrug it off because in the future God will fix it it and it just proves why we need God.
Where is God?
by donkey 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Where is God? He is only in our minds!
It always kills me the way believers haughtily say, "You can't blame god for what man does". To them it's perfectly all right for a loving, all powerful god to just look to other way. Of course, they arrogantly say he helps them with their problems while he ignores these yourng children. I guess their needs are more important.
exactly, Chris. They want it both ways.
I suggest we blame man for what God does or doesn't.
holy shit. that's awful. Horrible.
God isn't there or doesn't care.
That's why I'm an apatheist.
Those kids will have nightmares for the rest of their lives.
Those kids will have nightmares for the rest of their lives.
or much worse.
Hi Donkey! Blueblades here! I can't answer that question.I have asked that same question over and over myself.The answer I was taught by the WT. Society is that God allows free will and the consequences along with it.The issue of Universal Sovereignty is still going on.Donkey, I don't accept this reasoning anymore.
Deductive reasoning persuades me to believe that an intelligent mind designed all things.What happened after that creative act boggles my mind.Stephen w. Hawking in his book "The Theory of Everything",which talks about the origin and fate of the universe concludes his book with these words,"If we find the answer to why the universe exists it would be the ultimate of human reason.For then we would know the mind of God.
Note that he says,"If we find the answer".So, that leaves everything questionable. And that is where I'm left at.Questions with hard to find answers.Where is God?Many have concluded He does not exist.Many have concluded He does exist.Both present some persuasive reasons for their conclusions.We can't have it both ways ,either He does exist or He does not.Now ,,just because someone stands by and lets horrible things happen to others, that in itself does not means they are non-existent.Trying to figure out the reason for this refusal to act in behalf of the suffering of others when you have the power to put a stop to it does not bring conclusion to this question either.
Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Where is God? Why don't He do something about all of these questions?Its very disturbing to read that story about the father torturing his children.The question you raised is appropriate and deserves an answer.I don't have it.Blueblades
The children told investigators their father pulled out their toe nails with pliers, placed their feet in a burning fireplace, burned them with an iron, hit them with sticks, belts, a hose and a coaxial cable, poked them with a plunger handle, and used a lighter and pliers on their genitals.
makes ya wonder doesn't it, where is he?
Ummmm... just which "god" are you all referring to? The "christian" god? The "Buddhist" one? The "Jewish" one? Because if you're gonna blame "God"... then you certainly must know that God... is NOT obligated to act on behalf of everyone. He never said He would... for His COVENANT is not WITH all... is it?
(Shaking head...)
If you are speaking of the Holy One of Israel, however, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One whose name is JAH... of Armies... then as can be seen by the article... and the responses here... it is quite obvious "where" God is: taking care of those who He AGREED to care for... those who exercise faith in His Son... by "doing" what that Son taught them to do... LOVE his "neighbor"... and leaving those who don't... alone.
If you are speaking of the Holy One of Israel, however, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One whose name is JAH... of Armies... how is it that you KNOW that He has NOT intervened, that He has NOT heard the cry of the children and made this matter manifest... most probably UNLIKE the relatives, neighbors, teachers, mothers, etc... who DIDN'T say anything, 'cause, well, it wasn't their problem, was it?
Tell me, please, why isn't the father to blame in this case? Tell me, was God to blame for the death of Abel? Didn't God WARN Cain? Did Cain LISTEN? Yet, it was Abel who died, yes? CAIN... and NOT God... killed him! If YOU abuse YOUR kids... WHO IS TO BLAME? What if someone ATTEMPTED to intervene, TOLD you "you shouldn't do this; this is how you should treat your children," and YOU did what YOU chose to do... anyway? WHO IS TO BLAME?
Is God to blame for those who flew planes into the World Trade Center? Is God to blame for the retaliative bombs dropped on innocent men, women and children?
Earthling man... presumably the most "intelligent" of all species, and yet... truly the most heinous! AND... the most COWARDLY... for he can't take/give the blame when and where it is due and STOP blaming everyone and everything but himself?
Why blame God? Because he who is silent is always ASSUMED to be "guilty". Yet, history shows that is not necessarily the case. But, sure, okay... blame God. NOT the man who did this heinous action(s)... no, not him. Not one word of condemnation against him! Not any against anyone else who may have known about it... and did nothing! No, not them! For THEY... are "imperfect", aren't they? They have an excuse, don't they?
So, tell me, please, when should my Father have acted? At what point should He have "acted"? Before the man abused his children? But then, he was still "innocent" at that point, wasn't he? Perhaps God should just step in and wipe out EVERYONE deemed "evil" by Him, yes? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Sure, the same God that you all condemn for planning to do just that... at some future time. Obviously, there are those who think they know better than God when such thing should occur... and upon whom.
Watch out... for how do you know that YOUR acts will not be considered "evil" in that day?
Earthling man... never ceases to amaze me.
I await your responses... gladly.
A slave of Christ,