DJS: Maybe all this would not have become such an "issue" had the gay communities kept their bedroom practices EXACTLY where they belong in the bedroom. & not forcing their "Lifestyle" on Society at large.
The LGBT community is not running around having sex in public nor forcing anyone to be gay.
They have a tendancy to "really" put it in your face running around telling everyone and making a show of themselves.
So do heterosexual people. So what?
They always seem to have this tendancy to let "everyone" know what their sexual orientation is.
Actually, they don't, not any more that heterosexual people do. Are you also in favor of heterosexual people hiding their sexual orientation?
In comparison to straights, there's no need for us to run around telling everyone in Society that we are heterosexual.
There was no actual comparison there and, even had you attempted one, heterosexual people let their sexuality be known at a very high rate. I assume you also want that practice to stop? How would you suggest either set of people hide it? What do you consider "running around telling everyone"? Please be specific.