So you think we should just incarcerate these people in institutions
where it is proven they have the capability to influence and recruit
others to their cause to commit further atrocities .
Why in the world would you allow people like that the opportunity to influence others? Sounds like people that would allow that are just really bad at incarceration. Also, that's not at all what I said, so I have no idea why you would make such a ridiculous argument and then falsely attempt to claim it was my idea.
These people who commit these atrocities are not crazy/insane , get that
idea out of your head , they are terrorists , they know exactly what
they are doing and are prepared to suffer the consequences , albeit a
misguided belief/indoctrination they will entertain 70 virgins in the
They absolutely are insane, unless you think believing in invisible people giving you rewards for hurting people is normal behavior, in which case you've just summed up religion.
If they are dead ,they cant be an influence or encourage anybody else to engage in such activities .
Nor if they are properly managed, at 1/3 the cost. If you kill them, then they are a martyr for the rest of the religious/insane people out there AND you haven't taught people it's OK to kill for no good reason. Just like you wouldn't teach a child fire is hot by burning her, you can't expect to kill to satisfy your emotional needs and not expect others to learn that lesson.