confirming something happened is just that. You're making an argument from silence.
Jesus confirmed that it was perfect. My argument is from reality.
the bible is silent on people that don't believe in God.
It absolutely is NOT silent on them. Why don't Christians actually ever really know the holy book they claim to know?
That you don't see Jesus as someone who desires to cleanse the earth of negative forces in opposition to the well-being of mankind in general is your prerogative as well.
Jesus and the NT were OK with slavery, genocide, murder and rape. Which negative forces are you thinking they were against?
His mission is a worldwide freedom from oppression. I can confidently assume He's actually thinking about the "poor" men, women and children whereas you're not. (Romans 8:20-22)
Jesus never once said he would end oppression. In fact, he spoke highly of a culture that was OK was slavery. The Bible, have you read it?
I would posit to you that you missed the point of Jesus message. It's not your place to decide what is or is not anti Christ, or who is wrong or right.
i feel quite comfortable not judging one way or the other
None of the citations from the Hadith matter.
But that doesn't mean I would ever beat my wife.
as far as the Book of Mormon goes- that book is insane. I won't touch it because it is not inspired and goes beyond the bible.
But the discussion began with misunderstood statements about the Quran which I corrected with the context and other verses
With all due respect to all of you, if you don't want to hear an opposing view, then keep yours to yourself. Not everyone will agree with you, and you just have to deal with it.
Adam died ushering in all sin and death, Jesus died bringing hope and life.. That's what those verses are saying, not me. I just happen to agree with them.
It'd be better just to let it drop and not let any rifts form between us and/or any readers that disrupt the forum somehow. aside from you viv, because I think I will just dislike you permanently.
I just think it's hilarious to claim you don't judge and then collect just a few of the times you do judge (and, for good measure, suggest everyone shutup if they don't want a debate while you repeatedly ask for the debate to stop).
As I said, you are an excellent representative sample of a Christian.
(before you read i hope no one gets offended by the word retarted...that s how i thought when i was 13)my mom and dad are divorced and my father never helped my mother on raising us, so basically she was a single-mother.
he just abandoned my three brothers and me and my mother had to work two jobs all of the time so we never got to see her.
when we did see her it was after school, but all she did was yell at us, make food, and leave to her next job.
I wasn't high anymore though when he spoke to me in the "energy language" lol.
You don't need to be high to have a hallucination.
Well that's what I was convincing myself to think but it was just too out of this world
What is more likely, that...
... a person using drugs to induce hallucinations had a hallucination, something that is common and possible without drugs , while in a depressed emotional state bordering on suicidal or....
... that an invisible, undetectable spirit you already believed in and worshipped by the culture you grew up in and claimed association with used an energy language to convince you not to use drugs and then never talked to you again?
(before you read i hope no one gets offended by the word retarted...that s how i thought when i was 13)my mom and dad are divorced and my father never helped my mother on raising us, so basically she was a single-mother.
he just abandoned my three brothers and me and my mother had to work two jobs all of the time so we never got to see her.
when we did see her it was after school, but all she did was yell at us, make food, and leave to her next job.
I mean why would I hallucinate a superior being telling me to stop doing drugs?
Self preservation is a powerful instinct. You already had a notion of God. You had been telling other kids that was your Dad.
As rebel8 and Cofty said, hallucinations are a terribly way to decide what's true.
As I've already said, let's leave it alone.
Oh, dear. No. Just... no.
The Quran also says God may show mercy to those who do good regardless of their belief... But you ignore that completely.
Why should that not be ignored? It doesn't portray god is a good light. It's simply another example of it's capriciousness and psychopathy.
Let's leave the judgement of right and wrong to christ if he shows up, and time if he doesn't. I'm okay with that.
So, unless an invisible spirit guy shows up and decides to punish bad guys, they get off free? Wow, that seems like a terrible idea.
though many sages have tried to describe god and his purpose, the best they could do was to declare neti, neti (not this, not this).
to the question of god, even buddha responded with silence!
jesus declared: truth will set you free but did not say what that truth is!
Though many sages have tried to describe God and his purpose, the best they could do was to declare neti, neti (not this, not this).
Agreed. Can you do any better?
Behind this facade, there must be a grand purpose—something which religious leaders could not understand.
Why must there be a grand purpose? Why are you eliminating a regular purpose, and petty pupose, no purpose at all, God isn't any all like what religious people think of him as or that it might not exist?
You use the word SCIENCE as if it is an ultimate weapon near which no one can come talking about intuition. Even Einstein has gone on record saying intuition preceded most of his scientific accomplishments!
For an intuitive mind, whether it is the individual human body or the larger cosmic body, essentially, they are made of five elements – earth, water, fire, air and space.
Anytime anyone uses an Einstein quote to support wrong notions or religious notions or to suggest religion and science are similar, you can be sure that person doesn't understand science, religion or Einstein.