God acts toward the "greater good". In the natural occurance of the tsunami, He was able to redeem the situation for His benefit and the benefit of those killed...by delivering those killed...to Himself. Making the death of those people NOT "without meaning" but for the occasion of redemption.
Those people would have died naturally without the tsunami. God allowed incalculable pain and suffering simply so he could have some more company?
You worship a raging bloodsoaked psychopath. Your god, just like the god of the Koran, is a moral monster, a reprehensible example of capricious pettiness, anger and pointless death. You have the nerve to call it love, but if if it really were love, you would treat your children and others that way. You don't because you don't want to go to jail. How sick that your perfect example of love is morally inferior to his sinful creation?