Is it now your contention that "God" caused the tsunami by not preventing it? Or maybe you'd like to just stick to the fact that it was a natural occurance?
In your worldview, God created the world and how it works. The tsunami was a result of his utter incompetence and complete idiocy at designing a world that doesn't kill the people that live in it and as such, deserves not only no respect, but jail for negligent homicide.
If you don't want to give God credit for his design and deny his rightful place as creator of the world and the laws under which it operates, then you simply worship a made up desert blood god as a part of a death cult and, as such, are a danger to you and everyone around you. Worshiping death cult gods never turns out well.
Basically, you don't get to give your blood god credit for good things and let him wriggle out for bad things. Either he is all powerful and knowing or he isn't. He is love or he isn't. He kills on a whim or he doesn't.
Since he does all of the bad things (in fact, the Bible credits him with creating calamity, malediction and death), you're poorly thought out comment regarding natural disasters proves you are exactly as uneducated on the Bible as Jonathan Drake. You both think you know what's in the Bible, the Koran, etc., but then betray that you've the barest knowledge, a surprising ignorance of and disturbing weak understanding of of the thing you claim is incredibly important to life.
In other words, you are are a perfect example of a Christian and/or a Muslim.