I suppose I found it interesting that many non-JWs were paying attention to this and alerted me to the two prophecies linking two eclipses to Jehovah's Day.
Failed religious predictions have been going on as long there has been religion. Why is it interesting?
THE BASICS: Basically, sometime after April 4th of this year, there is a global economic crisis that force the nations to form the UN world authority, which is already being put into place, amazingly.
The Bible doesn't say any of that, nor is a UN world authority being put into place.
The Federal Reserve will be outlawed and all its funds seized. That's an easy legal process since the Federal Reserve and the CIA are linked with gun running and drug dealing.
How do the CIA, drug dealing and gun running make it easy for the Federal reserve to be outlawed? How are they linked? Who will do the outlawing? Who will do the enforcing? Be specific.
Then God will give the nations 1 year and 3 months to rule (Daniel 7:12).
You said the UN World Authority would be in charge. Who are these nations now ruling and what happened to the UN who is supposed to be in charge?
By then the UN will have declared "peace and security" (a phrase oft used by Obama, BTW) and that is when "sudden destruction" will be upon them. God kills off 1/3 of the world's population, the governments collapse, Christ takes over.
When is this phrase often used by Obama? What constitutes often? How is his use of the phrase (since he won't be in charge) relevant? Why will the governments collapse? How will Christ take over? What will he do differently? Why will God kill 1/3 of the population? Does this include babies? Pregnant women?