JoinedPosts by Viviane
God does exist here is my nonbiblical reason:
by Curious Kitten in(before you read i hope no one gets offended by the word retarted...that s how i thought when i was 13)my mom and dad are divorced and my father never helped my mother on raising us, so basically she was a single-mother.
he just abandoned my three brothers and me and my mother had to work two jobs all of the time so we never got to see her.
when we did see her it was after school, but all she did was yell at us, make food, and leave to her next job.
Drugs, when properly used, are awesome. This is not an example of proper use. -
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
I suppose I found it interesting that many non-JWs were paying attention to this and alerted me to the two prophecies linking two eclipses to Jehovah's Day.
Failed religious predictions have been going on as long there has been religion. Why is it interesting?
THE BASICS: Basically, sometime after April 4th of this year, there is a global economic crisis that force the nations to form the UN world authority, which is already being put into place, amazingly.
The Bible doesn't say any of that, nor is a UN world authority being put into place.
The Federal Reserve will be outlawed and all its funds seized. That's an easy legal process since the Federal Reserve and the CIA are linked with gun running and drug dealing.
How do the CIA, drug dealing and gun running make it easy for the Federal reserve to be outlawed? How are they linked? Who will do the outlawing? Who will do the enforcing? Be specific.
Then God will give the nations 1 year and 3 months to rule (Daniel 7:12).
You said the UN World Authority would be in charge. Who are these nations now ruling and what happened to the UN who is supposed to be in charge?
By then the UN will have declared "peace and security" (a phrase oft used by Obama, BTW) and that is when "sudden destruction" will be upon them. God kills off 1/3 of the world's population, the governments collapse, Christ takes over.
When is this phrase often used by Obama? What constitutes often? How is his use of the phrase (since he won't be in charge) relevant? Why will the governments collapse? How will Christ take over? What will he do differently? Why will God kill 1/3 of the population? Does this include babies? Pregnant women?
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Did you even look at the video? These four eclipses are considered significant because the four eclipses fall on two primary Jewish holidays.
No, because I've heard that argument before and it doesn't hold water because the Israelites used a lunar calendar. It's like being surprised that Easter and Passover are always near each other or that Christmas sometimes falls on a weekend.
So the combination of WHEN the eclipses occur makes this a unique event. Eclipses might happen all the time but they don't all fall on key Jewish festival days.
There have been 62 tetrads since the first century, 8 of which have coincided with the same festival. In what way is a predictable event that has happened multiple times a portent of prophecy?
The second thing, though, is how close we are to the UN taking over world government
That is exactly as close as it was 100 years ago.
The UN must be the "eighth beast" that rules, that is, the last world power.
The UN is not in any way a world power.
So many things were already happening and now we have these strange eclipses. That's all. Two eclipses are supposed to happen just before the "great tribulation" begins and we have two occurring March 20 and April 4. So. Ignore at your own risk.
Rational humans have been ignoring Christian nutters for thousands of years. You've not provided any reason to change that.
Conti Respondent’s Brief - Can AnnOMaly’s theory Rescue Simons’ CRITICAL FACT ?
by 4rationality insimons critcal fact = defendants assigned candace to perform field service with kendrick.
martinez testified that she saw candace and kendrick in field service together.
was candace ever assigned to anyone else?
It seems you don't know what either "fact" or "logic" means. -
When does God intervene in the affairs of mankind?
by abiather inthough many sages have tried to describe god and his purpose, the best they could do was to declare neti, neti (not this, not this).
to the question of god, even buddha responded with silence!
jesus declared: truth will set you free but did not say what that truth is!
The "Day of Jehovah" are said to follow a total solar eclipse and a total lunar eclipse and that's what is happening this year, with the lunar eclipse occurring on Passover!
The Israelites used a lunar calendar. You do realize that both of those things tend to happen clustered together always because math and geometry, right? Not because Jesus? -
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Fact is, we are supposed to stay on WATCH! So. If nothing happens....whatever. The naysayers will say, "ha ha ha! Another failed prophecy!" But... if something does happen, can we say we really didn't get a warning? !!!
1982 had 7 lunar eclipses in one year. Several years have 3, 4 and 6. How many times can you insist a sign is important before it's just "meh". For instance, what if the sign were something like a meteor shower? The thing you mention happens on a predictable basis and frequently. How is that a sign to keep on the watch for?
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
Is it now your contention that "God" caused the tsunami by not preventing it? Or maybe you'd like to just stick to the fact that it was a natural occurance?
In your worldview, God created the world and how it works. The tsunami was a result of his utter incompetence and complete idiocy at designing a world that doesn't kill the people that live in it and as such, deserves not only no respect, but jail for negligent homicide.
If you don't want to give God credit for his design and deny his rightful place as creator of the world and the laws under which it operates, then you simply worship a made up desert blood god as a part of a death cult and, as such, are a danger to you and everyone around you. Worshiping death cult gods never turns out well.
Basically, you don't get to give your blood god credit for good things and let him wriggle out for bad things. Either he is all powerful and knowing or he isn't. He is love or he isn't. He kills on a whim or he doesn't.
Since he does all of the bad things (in fact, the Bible credits him with creating calamity, malediction and death), you're poorly thought out comment regarding natural disasters proves you are exactly as uneducated on the Bible as Jonathan Drake. You both think you know what's in the Bible, the Koran, etc., but then betray that you've the barest knowledge, a surprising ignorance of and disturbing weak understanding of of the thing you claim is incredibly important to life.
In other words, you are are a perfect example of a Christian and/or a Muslim.
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
God acts toward the "greater good". In the natural occurance of the tsunami, He was able to redeem the situation for His benefit and the benefit of those delivering those Himself. Making the death of those people NOT "without meaning" but for the occasion of redemption.
Those people would have died naturally without the tsunami. God allowed incalculable pain and suffering simply so he could have some more company?
You worship a raging bloodsoaked psychopath. Your god, just like the god of the Koran, is a moral monster, a reprehensible example of capricious pettiness, anger and pointless death. You have the nerve to call it love, but if if it really were love, you would treat your children and others that way. You don't because you don't want to go to jail. How sick that your perfect example of love is morally inferior to his sinful creation?
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
confirming something happened is just that. You're making an argument from silence.
Jesus confirmed that it was perfect. My argument is from reality.
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
the bible is silent on people that don't believe in God.
It absolutely is NOT silent on them. Why don't Christians actually ever really know the holy book they claim to know?
That you don't see Jesus as someone who desires to cleanse the earth of negative forces in opposition to the well-being of mankind in general is your prerogative as well.
Jesus and the NT were OK with slavery, genocide, murder and rape. Which negative forces are you thinking they were against?
His mission is a worldwide freedom from oppression. I can confidently assume He's actually thinking about the "poor" men, women and children whereas you're not. (Romans 8:20-22)
Jesus never once said he would end oppression. In fact, he spoke highly of a culture that was OK was slavery. The Bible, have you read it?