For the believers, the Bible says when we start to see these things, to lift up our heads because our deliverance is getting near. So I'm getting excited! No more earthly governments taking away our divine right to use drugs!
The Bible only mentions eclipses, which are very common. All of the other stuff is recently made up add-ons. In fact, what is in the Bible is not a prophecy. It gives no dates, names or specific actions. There is not a single prophecy in the Bible that came true.
You've been legally notified so that just in case it does happen, you can't go to court and say you had no warning, this isn't fair, please give me another chance, if someone told me I would have surely paid attention!
Speaking of paid, will you reimburse people that listen to you for the food and water they buy (perishable items) if it doesn't come true? In other words, you say you are giving a warning, how confident do you feel in this? If you want to make it legal, I am more than will to stock up on those items I would need with itemized reciepts. If nothing you predict comes true, will you put your money where your mouth is and reimburse me?