The big difference between me and you and everybody else is that I'M THE REAL DEAL. You talk tough, but you can match that with any authority. I have the Biblical authority that not even the WTS has
Oh, good gravy, here we go. "I am special, listen to me!"
Seen it, heard it, fails every time. If you expect to be taken seriously, you've need more than that.
But I'm higher. Trust me on that. So let's start our little competition
You're competition is with reality, not me.
QUESTION: Matthew 12:40 says Jesus was in the grave for "three nights." Jesus rose on a Saturday night. So:
The Bible doesn't say Jesus rose on a Saturday night. Try again. Try a less nonsensical question.
You're still competing with reality. And losing.
Now if you should decide not to play and not answer the question, dear, I'm going to have a different response for you. Trust Me. I've been at this much longer than you have, sweetie. Okay? This is just me and you, SHARING Bible topics, okay? Now try to focus for me just for a second here. Here we go:
I get your latent and hidden misogyny in your attempt to use diminutive and dismissive words. Given that your worship a bloodthirsty psychopath