First, let me say that atheists are entitled to their view of facts and science. Tangible physical evidence is certainly a strong argument, but to forego any arguing on that point, I'll grant that there could have been an evolutionary process in conjunction with Bible doctrine.
There is no such thing as an "atheist view" of facts and science. There are simply facts and science. Evolution is a fact beyond all reasonable doubt.
I will ask those who are avid evolutionists to grant, for the sake of the current argument only, the possibility that God created the world in aged form because as a creator, that was His vision. I'm not asking for belief, simply establishing "neutralish ground" for the sake of addressing animal cruelty and sin from a Biblical standpoint and attempting to reconcile a loving God in all of this.
That is certainly possible, but it's not "neutral" because all, literally ALL of evidence points against that.
The illness is contained so it doesn't spread beyond the quarantine area, but it would be awful to destroy everyone because they were exposed to the disease. And the results often bring about immunities. And, because this is a "theist" point of view, I'll go out on a limb and argue that God didn't wipe them out because He wanted them to have that right to choose, and still establish that immunization against any other "disease" of the type.
That argument doesn't hold water. According to your holy book we are all already sick, infected, diseased, and there is a doctor who can heal us, but only if we grovel and pay with blood and look the other way while he murders millions with no discretion.