JoinedPosts by Viviane
WHAT IS LEFT? Have all the major teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses now changed?
by TerryWalstrom inwas there a second coming?.
a 3rd coming?.
" (the 3rd coming?).
Outside of the 1914 anchor date they never mention, I can't think of a single IBSA/JW teaching that hasn't dramatically changed. -
Do you believe what the Bible teaches? If "yes", why? If "no", why?
by Tenacious inif you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
the bad words I meant are words my dictionary calls taboo words. I've understood that if I use them when talking to the police I may be in trouble.
Freedom of speech should prevent that. Societal taboo doesn't mean the words are bad.
A teaching assistant I know told me one day recently how much bad language she hears in the primary school playground.
Kids swore all the time 35 years ago when I was in primary school.
Do you believe what the Bible teaches? If "yes", why? If "no", why?
by Tenacious inif you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
when I went to school as a child the kids didn't use bad words but now they do.
What is a "bad" word? And, unless you were around every student all the time, you've no idea if they did. Unless you're in school now and around all the kids all the time, you've no idea of the frequency.
I will say it is hard to disprove the Bible.
It's incredibly easy to disprove the Bible.
Islam is a religion of Peace
by Coded Logic inwarning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
All the costing given in that article are for the litigious USA. We are not talking about the USA.
Why not? I was talking about the death penalty, I never specified a country. If you want to talk about a different country that still uses it, like say China, Russia, Iraq, Iran or North Korea, please go ahead and gather the data and we can.
Even if a death penalty trial does cost a bit more, you arent then paying hundreds of thousands per year looking after them until they die in possibly 40 or 50 years time.
It's clear you didn't read the studies, those questions are addressed in, well, pretty much any one of them.
Scientists almost created life in a lab?!
by abiather inthe scientists at the scripps research institute, california, have almost succeeded in creating the world's first living organism with artificial dna!.
I did not mention the source as it was not the subject. Here are some the published materials:
Sourcing information is very important. Without it, we can't check accuracy or verify things. Having said that, let's talk about your sources:
1. Note that the article never said what you claimed, that Sankrit was perfect and that NASA didn't write the article. Rick Briggs, a guy who works for NASA, wrote the article . That's not at ALL the same.
2 -4. Irrelevant to your claims.
Islam is a religion of Peace
by Coded Logic inwarning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
How does killing them cost 3x what it does for life imprisonment?Those sums seem way off to me.
I have stated my opinion on this issue and i stand by it , obviously you have a different take on the matter
Well, no, actual facts have a different take on the matter.
Islam is a religion of Peace
by Coded Logic inwarning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
So you think we should just incarcerate these people in institutions where it is proven they have the capability to influence and recruit others to their cause to commit further atrocities .
Why in the world would you allow people like that the opportunity to influence others? Sounds like people that would allow that are just really bad at incarceration. Also, that's not at all what I said, so I have no idea why you would make such a ridiculous argument and then falsely attempt to claim it was my idea.
These people who commit these atrocities are not crazy/insane , get that idea out of your head , they are terrorists , they know exactly what they are doing and are prepared to suffer the consequences , albeit a misguided belief/indoctrination they will entertain 70 virgins in the afterlife.
They absolutely are insane, unless you think believing in invisible people giving you rewards for hurting people is normal behavior, in which case you've just summed up religion.
If they are dead ,they cant be an influence or encourage anybody else to engage in such activities .
Nor if they are properly managed, at 1/3 the cost. If you kill them, then they are a martyr for the rest of the religious/insane people out there AND you haven't taught people it's OK to kill for no good reason. Just like you wouldn't teach a child fire is hot by burning her, you can't expect to kill to satisfy your emotional needs and not expect others to learn that lesson.
Islam is a religion of Peace
by Coded Logic inwarning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
The pussyfooting around by do-gooders , bleeding hearts , in western society is taken as weakness , and only encourages more such like attacks to occurr
The death penalty has never been shown to deter crime and it cost at least 3x incarceration, at least according to every study ever done. Why should other people pay more and get less just so someone can satisfy a bloodlust?
Also, anyone who has ever studied history, read a book by anyone who studied history or seen a movie by someone who read a book by someone who studied history would know that crazy people gonna do crazy things and the death penalty doesn't stop it. Never has, never will.
2014 Statistics and Graphs for USA, UK and Australia
by jwfacts ini have done a breakdown for the usa, since the majority on this forum are american, along with the uk and australia.
us growth has slowed, but still moving along, but uk and australia have are at a virtual standstill, and in fact decreasing against population growth.. .
jehovah's witness publisher statistics - united states.
I am saying the PEAK YEAR for JWs for a given time frame is less than halve of the overall growth for that time frame for the population at large. In other words, the JW best year is less than half as good as the 10 year overall growth. I could get more specific and combine the exact years for JWs and get an overall or break down, year by year, the growth for the US, UK or AUS, but, you know, I'm feeling lazy
2014 Statistics and Graphs for USA, UK and Australia
by jwfacts ini have done a breakdown for the usa, since the majority on this forum are american, along with the uk and australia.
us growth has slowed, but still moving along, but uk and australia have are at a virtual standstill, and in fact decreasing against population growth.. .
jehovah's witness publisher statistics - united states.
From 2000->2010 the US population growth was +9.7%, the peak growth for JWs was under +4%. Expressed as a percentage of population, the religion is shrinking, at least in the US.
For the UK, between 2003 and 2013 it was +7.5%. JWs grew at a peak of < +3%. Also shrinking as a percentage of the population.