I agree. But that wasn't my point. The use of "absent", as I've demonstrated by using a respected dictionary (and yet Cofty and others dare to claim they know better that Marriam-Webster) can adequately describe a state of non-presence
But you gave a definition for god that DOES presuppose existence when I asked. You also didn't tell me how I would know how to objectively determine whether or not we could tell if he was here.
However, I said that if someone had a better term to positively describe a state of not being present, without presuming existence or non-existence, I was listening.
There is 1) no evidence that deity or deities exist and 2) even if they do, that we have any measurable way to objectively determine the status of their presence in the universe. This position shall be called "makes-sense-ithsm".
Seriously, that took me like, one minute.