Viviane, my comment above is neither to promote myself or the teachings of a religious order.
I never said it was. You're simply ducking the question I posed to you.
Who should I believe? You or the person before or after you claiming to have it right about spirituality when you are all claiming different things?
When you take away religious dogma and read what the great spiritual leaders actually said they all were United in their views as to the keys to a happy life.
They all said different things. Which of them should I believe? Is there any proof that following the Law or meditating and denying yourself pleasure in life will make you a better person?
Religion can always be twisted, but the fact that the words and teachings of these men have effected the minds and hearts of billions shows there must be truth in their words.
So, using that logic, it's a "fact" that there must have been truth Stalin's words, Pol Pot, Hitler, etc.
They all spoke out against organised religions and taught true spirituality is cultivated within and that outward religious piety hindered true spirituality.
No, not quite. Jesus spoke out against the people in charge, but was himself called a rabbi and said the Law of his religion (which endorsed slavery, rape and murder) was perfect and would never pass away.
Curious, have you actually read what Jesus said or are you basing this on what you imagine Jesus to have said?