SPIRIT ;.Laphroaig a good Islay malt whisky ( too much makes you see spirits ) CHEERS hic'
JoinedPosts by galaxie
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 indo you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead?
Live Forever on a Paradise Earth
by HeyThere insometimes this sounds good...but....forever?
forever in a jw idea of perfection?
does this mean no sports, or detective tv shows, or bad neighborhoods?
Hey punko do you like real ale? Next time I have a pint I'm going to have a drink to your health .
Keep your chin up mate.
Best wishes to you.
Live Forever on a Paradise Earth
by HeyThere insometimes this sounds good...but....forever?
forever in a jw idea of perfection?
does this mean no sports, or detective tv shows, or bad neighborhoods?
All the good, good, good, will just become bad, bad, bad. All the love bombing congratulatory gestures for waiting on jehovah will become boring, boring, boring.
People will start looking for forbidden fruit and look for someone to blame.
The lions will start looking at little lambs thinking Mmmmmm I wonder one little bite wouldn't do any harm.
Paradise indeed!!
To label fiction as fact is never justified nor should it be condoned.
by new hope and happiness in.
the bible is held up by many christians as the word of god, and as such many christians base their entire moral fabric on the bible which they perceive figuartivly penned of god.. so do the posters on this site, be they christian, athiest or agnostic agree that the books that make up the bible should be held to the light and if they are myths, and fiction that this should be exposed?.
Human beings do not exist because of the bible.
The bible exists because of human beings.
Take many human beings, different cultures time zones, incomplete ancient texts, argument, counter argument, agendas, power play, additions, subtractions omissions, blind faith, fear, coercion, indoctrination, inculcation, justification for personal gain.
The bible only has relevance if you need it in your life. Perhaps its the reasons for this need considering the list above that should be questioned.
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 indo you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead?
Yes Apog; Lets sum it up.We are alive we'll live till we die nothing surer, why fuss ourselves over convoluted NON ...SENSE.
There is plenty of evidential beauty and wonderment in the world to keep us occupied.
If we have love for our nearest and dearest and fellow man and strive to those ends, the end of our existence (barring unforseen circumstance) will hopefully be the conclusion of a fulfilled life.
Best wishes.
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 indo you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead?
Hey there;... Exactly what is it you don't know?? Exactly you DON'T KNOW.
Why all the fuss. Live your life as best you can.
Best wishes to you
When we die...
by Finallyfree12 indo you beleive our spirit lives on in other dimensions or are we really just dead?
The human brain is a master conjurer, there is way more evidence for coincidence delusion, trickery, than REAL evidence of after life.
If you want to believe in afterlife so be it , but lets have EVIDENCE as opposed to wishful thinking.
In my lifetime of 62 yrs I have experienced many instances of death of family and friends, many of whom did believe in afterlife .I have not had a jot of evidence of anyone who has died existing in any other realm or form.
Give me indisputable evidence.
Trinitarians! Who is Jesus Christ's father the Holy Spirit or the Father?
by booker-t inthis is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
Do not underestimate the possibility that the u.f.os reported maybe stealing our oxygen to allow him to breath.!!
Did Any Atheist/Agnostic Revert Back to Their Former Beliefs?
by Space Madness inare their any former atheist/agnostic on here who reverted to christianity or a belief in god.
i became an atheist back in july and it was the most unfulfilling depressive period of my life.
i'm now starting to rebuild my relationship with god and i'm already starting to feel a lot better.
Hi jgnat,...you say God is construct of your own mind, I'll concur with that. Forr others it may well be a supernatural need they can't let go of,similar to addiction.
Trinitarians! Who is Jesus Christ's father the Holy Spirit or the Father?
by booker-t inthis is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
Seemingly he hung his ' hammer' from his neck on his chest commonly known as the THORAX !!