I approached the cart/trolley stood about ten ft away and flicked through the mag' no one approached.
The mag was all about creation of the earth the perfection of it all , rejection of evolution etc the usual b... sht.
Only tiny paragraph concerning the role of the sun.
Fed up waiting for someone to approach I decided to speak to them.
A younger bro stood beside an older sis',I said I've been reading about the earth in your mag' I notice there's only a tiny part re the role of the sun, I said you know without the sun there would be no earth they both nodded affirmatively. Then another older bro' sidled up to listen in, so I continued as none of them inquired as to my interest; the sun in the future will eventually lose its potency to allow life to continue on earth and eventually the earth will succumb to the dying sun and will be no more,...I'm still waiting for a response!? They were still nodding in the affirmative. I continued so that being the case there doesn't look like any prospect of everlasting life in a perfect paradise!? ?..still none of them said anything , so I said do you agree ..they were unbelievably still nodding, so I said ,.right we all agree then and bid them good afternoon.
I wonder what their conversation was when I left??!!!
Best wishes.