Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain Cascades.
Btw this thread could run forever!!
i learnt this game on another site, and its great fun.
you name a song title and the next person names another title that has one of the words from the first one, making a chain of associations.. so far instance,.
our of the rising sun.....bob dylan.... your turn... .
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain Cascades.
Btw this thread could run forever!!
i've been lurking here off and on for a few years, figured i would introduce myself and share the clif notes version of my story.. i'm in my late 30's and was born in.
mom was a jw, dad wasn't.
got baptized in my teens and started dating my eventual wife.
Welcome Ben..very sound reasoning on your part thanks for sharing.
I hope your extended family can see that also. Unfortunately it's not always the case, be prepared for some rough waves but hopefully not.
Best wishes for the future.
been out now for 10 yrs but life is a mess.
starting to think its because i have no spiritual compass.
why shouldn't i consider going back?.
If you need a crutch go right ahead...but religion is not the only crutch.
Some people use alcohol, drugs because they can't handle reality,
They seem to always rely on something other than themselves to handle life,
Life is not always easy and sometimes deals us a bad hand.
There is always help if you seek it more importantly if you really want to call the shots for yourself it's YOUR LIFE !!
Why let anyone else mess with it.
I hope things go well for you whatever you decide,
Best wishes.
so here we are on a niceness thread talking about nice things.. yesterday a very pretty girl left her mobile behind at the computer in the libary, i returned it to her and she gave me a hug.
The sun is shining . I have my youngest granddaughter in the garden. We are looking at the apples on the apple tree she is touching the leaves, now she sees my daughters cat and wants to run after it. She is almost 2 yrs old, I love when she shouts..papa papa.
My daughter (her auntie)will take her for lunch and I will meet up, I intend to buy her a present today.
It will be a nice happy day filled with love.
Best wishes.
i've been absent from meetings recently because i'm having serious life challenges that make me really not want to have to deal with all of the people and the sitting.
i had made an attempt to, "simplify my life" that rather than being blessed was meant with unemployment.
lol.. anyway, i finally got tired of all the phone calls checking up on me and sent a message to someone explaining that i just wanted to be left alone (an elder).
The fundemental reasons you are doubting the JWs religion have I'm sure been strengthened by the elders reply.
Rather than be sympathetic to your reasoning (even though he doesn't agree ) he chooses to be a company man and condemn you for having YOUR OWN thinking capacity.
Best wishes to you.
i'm a 17 year old from scotland.
can i just say this site is absolutely brilliant.
finally found people with open minds and free thought that doesn't just consist of "well the wt told me this so it must be right".. my story is that i'm just like any other child of a jw...brought up into a life of indoctrination where "the world's" thinking is automatically wrong.. that is until i was 14 - a light turned on in my head.
Hi LP97...Another Scotsman here welcome to the forum.
At age 13 I was baptised (1964 ) by the time I was the age you are now I was definately fading.
Unfortunately unlike your parents I had no encouragement re further ed' or decent career prospects but had to find my own way so your parents are at least doing the right thing on that score.
Best wishes to you for the future.
for a long time i have accepted that when a theist inserts god into some as yet not understood scientific matter, it constitutes a god of the gaps argument.
as a theist myself, the problem with this for me, is that it implies an arbitrary limit on gods ingenuity.
for example, the idea that god created automatic processes to do certain things in nature, and yet with other things the need for a direct hand to either tweak or directly organise!
Was the topic not about limitations ie does science have limits. Rather than science itself.
What in humanistic terms does not have limits?
We are finite creatures our only conduit to understanding and use of scientific discovery, answers, theory, argument and conclusion is our limited intelligence ie brain.
No one as far as I'm aware claims to know it all.
for a long time i have accepted that when a theist inserts god into some as yet not understood scientific matter, it constitutes a god of the gaps argument.
as a theist myself, the problem with this for me, is that it implies an arbitrary limit on gods ingenuity.
for example, the idea that god created automatic processes to do certain things in nature, and yet with other things the need for a direct hand to either tweak or directly organise!
One eyed joe...just a thuoght.Have you considered the material your ladder may be made of...there's always a limit.
Nothing is inexhaustible.
Best wishes
for a long time i have accepted that when a theist inserts god into some as yet not understood scientific matter, it constitutes a god of the gaps argument.
as a theist myself, the problem with this for me, is that it implies an arbitrary limit on gods ingenuity.
for example, the idea that god created automatic processes to do certain things in nature, and yet with other things the need for a direct hand to either tweak or directly organise!
Science only exists as a result of our brain processes.
Our brains only exist because of ??... now there's the rub.
Science seeks to answer a question using the same processes that created the subject.
Anything which has limitations must by default put limitation on its influences ie our brains influence science, the reasoning power no matter how intelligent we are is not inexhaustible.
The physical make up of the brain governs our ultimate understanding.
As far as I know there is no outside influence on our brains to give us turbo power.
for a long time i have accepted that when a theist inserts god into some as yet not understood scientific matter, it constitutes a god of the gaps argument.
as a theist myself, the problem with this for me, is that it implies an arbitrary limit on gods ingenuity.
for example, the idea that god created automatic processes to do certain things in nature, and yet with other things the need for a direct hand to either tweak or directly organise!
The march or progression of science is totally reliant on human brain power and the tools it utilises.
Given that every part of our anatomy has limits, it must also be true of our brains ( unless you believe in other influence ).
It must stand therefore that scientific study / understsnding will have a limit, although how that will become apparent is anyones guess.
Perhaps we are pushing the boundaries already as there seems ti be more questuons than answers in certain fields eg origin of all understandable matter inc' life.
Theories abound.
All strengh to those who continue with curious enthusiasm to dedicate their lives to find answers as the hunger for knowledge and discovery has benefited mankind greatly.
Caution and discernment re what may harm us must also be prioritised to protect us also.