Ah yes zeb...nowhere to go, as an athiest I'd say that applies to the whole cemetery!!.
Best wishes.
are you an angry atheist?.
personally i wish i could say anger is to strong a word, but from my point of view :-.
a)i am angry that religion teaches children to hate " worldly people" at least that was my experience ad a j.w.
Ah yes zeb...nowhere to go, as an athiest I'd say that applies to the whole cemetery!!.
Best wishes.
are you an angry atheist?.
personally i wish i could say anger is to strong a word, but from my point of view :-.
a)i am angry that religion teaches children to hate " worldly people" at least that was my experience ad a j.w.
Hi nhah..anger? Im not sure perhaps perturbed, perplexed even fumingly annoyed sometimes.
Probably because as an ' athiest 'its a puzzle why those who are open minded, who will reason on evidence, who are educated can still cling to supernatural explanation for their existence ie the god being causing a deliberate, purposeful action.
I suppose it takes all sorts to make a world (keep bertie bassett out of it if you know what I mean)
Best wishes. ?
when i left the wt organization, i continued to believe in the bible, so i wanted to confirm and refine, as much as possible, my faith that the true god is in the bible.
so i began to discuss with skilled christians, who were also ex-witnesses.
but i was surprised when some of them tried to relax my fundamentalist position on the literalness of the genesis account.
Thank you jgnat,, you have genuine honesty.
Best wishes.
what is our place in the universe?
scientists map our galactic supercluster and give it a name, laniakea.. .
The reality cancels the myth.
Our place is no more than literally where we are.
when i left the wt organization, i continued to believe in the bible, so i wanted to confirm and refine, as much as possible, my faith that the true god is in the bible.
so i began to discuss with skilled christians, who were also ex-witnesses.
but i was surprised when some of them tried to relax my fundamentalist position on the literalness of the genesis account.
Hi jgnat,,. Your preference is obviously not a conclusion then?
Love exists because of weakness? For what purpose then?
Do you consider that love can come about/ exist only on humanistic basis?
when i left the wt organization, i continued to believe in the bible, so i wanted to confirm and refine, as much as possible, my faith that the true god is in the bible.
so i began to discuss with skilled christians, who were also ex-witnesses.
but i was surprised when some of them tried to relax my fundamentalist position on the literalness of the genesis account.
Mixing and matching with Christian belief,when the premis and definition is at source is a cop out to suit ones individual needs.
Seems some people actually require delusion.
I am atheist, I am free of the shackles of theism/ deism I have no feeling of being ' lost ' on the contrary my lifes journey started and will end as all before me.how I choose to fill that interim will be down to me NOT some superstitious non..sense.
when i was a jw i had a lot of silly ideas that seemingly explained things i wondered about.
arguments from ignorance or special pleading i suppose.
actually, my conclusions were daft.. one thing i have wondered about and i don't know if anyone else has, is why man hasn't either rendered the earth to a cinder or why there haven't been more nukes go off against nations.
Nor I punk but what the hell are they up to.
Don't they have better things to do with their precious time?
Why the secrecy, no minutes reports of discussions, oh well perhaps for another thread.
Best wishes.
when i was a jw i had a lot of silly ideas that seemingly explained things i wondered about.
arguments from ignorance or special pleading i suppose.
actually, my conclusions were daft.. one thing i have wondered about and i don't know if anyone else has, is why man hasn't either rendered the earth to a cinder or why there haven't been more nukes go off against nations.
when i left the wt organization, i continued to believe in the bible, so i wanted to confirm and refine, as much as possible, my faith that the true god is in the bible.
so i began to discuss with skilled christians, who were also ex-witnesses.
but i was surprised when some of them tried to relax my fundamentalist position on the literalness of the genesis account.
Hi terry. Does that mean our choice of what we believe is mearly a justification for what we want?
Whatever happened to the truth of the matter, not forgetting the evidence.
When it concerns the ' jesus 'enigma its almost non existant, of course if you just want to believe it, where is the basis for ' justification '
Best wishes,
when i left the wt organization, i continued to believe in the bible, so i wanted to confirm and refine, as much as possible, my faith that the true god is in the bible.
so i began to discuss with skilled christians, who were also ex-witnesses.
but i was surprised when some of them tried to relax my fundamentalist position on the literalness of the genesis account.
What is attributed may be and in some cases so remote from the actuality to render it useless.
And unnecessary.