The sword, when used properly, is not a weapon but a tool of action.
JoinedPosts by gambit
Things Learned Along the Way
by blondie ini have collected sayings, homilies, whatever along the way that crystallize something bigger i learned.
i will post a few every day.
if you have one, please share it.. if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.. to belittle is to be little.. somewhere, i got the idea if i just took care of others, i would be taken care of.. blondie
Worst song you've ever heard.
by FlyingHighNow inwhat is the worst song you've ever heard?
you know, the song that grated on your nerves and made you want to scream if you ever heard it again?
if it's a kingdom song please tell and please tell us what popular song you detested.
I can't remember all the words, but how about John Denver's - Fly Away ...
Music Banned by the WTS
by Nosferatu inhere are some of the bands, preformers, songs, and albums that the watchtower society has banned from it's members.
see if you can spot your favorite!!.
w93 2/22 25-27take heavy-metal music-a particularly noxious form of hard rock that is usually played at ear-splitting volume.
Time magazine said: "The band names alone conjure up images of mayhem, torture and death." The same can be said of the horrifying artwork that adorns the album covers and that often depicts satanic symbols.
And they've never done this with the WT covers
In virtually all rock 'n' roll dances done by youths, the partners do not touch. The twist is viewed by many as having been the beginning of this type of dancing. An interviewer for Look magazine reported awhile back:
"The characteristic dances of our new age of revelry are all variants of the twist. . . . The dancers do not touch, they do not talk. . . . Each does whatever charade the name of the dance calls for. . . . They look as if their bodies are screaming.
Isn't this the way we were taught... don't touch or talk (without the 3rd party there)! It might lead to kissing... and then you know what immediately follows
Youths in many lands may not realize how repulsive these names are because they are in English or another foreign language.
Is this only an English speaking version of the WT... I can't take this anymore...
Where is Blondie... She should be able to show that they are guilty of all these same crimes !
JWD "Secret Lingo"
by imallgrowedup inthanks to tinkerbell, i just learned what "bttt" stands for!
i'm just feeling so special now!
imwtk, (inquiring minds want to know).
joking with a punch in the arm
So would that be:
JWPIA ??!!!
No, JWPIA = Jehovahs Witness Pain In Ass... I think you meant JWAPIA --
C's get degrees or????
by Stacy Smith ini've always obsessed about good grades.
i had straight a's in high school and through junior college.
now that i'm a junnior i'm struggling to do that.
JW perfectionism / "never quite good enough" at it's best...
by integ ina jw relative brought out something i actually had to agree with.
we were discussing positive vs. negative aspects of the "truth".
she brought out that the witnesses do not participate in war, and i thought 'gee, that's probably a good thing'.
What "good thing's" would you be willing to give the Jw's credit for?????
A completely dysfunctional group of ex-JW's... Oh, ones that try to grow, learn, teach, share, give credit where credit is due, use entire quotes in the correct context, refuse to be policed by anarchy, able to admit mistakes, accept responsibility (to a fault), ...
Given all the bad we carry, the JW's have given us some d*mn good qualities to be thankful for...
But, it's like any relationship... when the bad stuff cuts to the core of your human spirit it's hard to be thankful for the good.
My quote for the day -- Oliver Wendell Holmes
by logansrun inoliver wendell holmes:
i would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but i would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.
-- that statement pretty much sums up my thoughts on, well, the whole of existence!.
And it sounds like JT has been reading Toa Te Ching.
What Makes A Successful Message Board?
by SanFranciscoJim indidn't know what forum to post this on, so i'm just putting it in "friends" for now.
if one of the mods wants to move it elsewhere, please be my guest..... .
as many of you know, i recently opened a new message board for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender former (and active) jws at: (straight exjws are welcome to post there, too!).
Well, Jim, the old saying is probably pretty true.... misery loves company.
I have been to a lot of boards, and it is extremely hard to find any true companionship or comraderee on a board built on a "positive" movement. Strange, but I find that to be true... the most active boards with the truest spirit have an underlying "negative" life bond... just like this place...
Through it all, I think thats what makes this place one of the best... the pain instilled on many, if not most, of the posters here is very similar in some ways, very dis-similar in other ways, but has an underlying common denominator. With everyones input, wisecracks, tough attitudes at times, healing words, laughter, stupidity, and plain old everyday breakfast table talk... the common denominator slowly shrinks in comparison to the numerator (lol) thus making the sum of everyone stronger and more willing to participate as postive role models for others.
So, for your sight, maybe a few "healing hearts" or "trouble times" type of subject boxes where peolpe share some of the difficulties of childhood, teenage years, coming out, etc... and I don't mean "adult" stuff here, so that some of the younger teenage crowd would be able to join in and open up with the same type of feelings evoked around here.
Good Luck Jim...
Letter to my (ex) wife. don't know if I'm doing the right thing by posting
by avengers in.
much of the info contained in the letter may not be new to most of you, even boring maybe, but i hope it will be of help to many.. i'd like to thank many of you whom have contributed to uncovering many of the wt secrets and also for having websites where this info is so perfectly organized and readily available.. letter probably won't even be read, considering i'm an apostate in the eyes of the jw's, but i sent it anyway.. (if you find any inaccuracies, then please let me know.
hope i'm doing the right thing....................andy.......(well, what've i got to lose?
Sadly, I read the cover of that WT as "FAMILY" ... Who cares? ...
I honestly believe that the editors know exactly how subtle that wording is...
Nice letter Avenger.
Creative Ways in Which You Have Gotten A Job
by berylblue in.
a little too tipsy right now to elucidate...but i think i've already bored you all to tears on my job i'm doing all the "normal" things.. in what ways have you gotten jobs other than the usual?.
The best source of ideas that I have found is the book called "What Color Is Your Parachute". It contains exercises for interviews, personal surveys to assess different aspects of your personality, ways to approach people through letters, email, phone, and in person.... so on and so on.. And I think the book mentions -- interview, interview, interview -- in other words, look through the paper and apply for jobs you DONT want but feel you could possibly interview for them... then go get the interview... them take the interview... then, turn down the job... this process works ! I actually tried this and was surprised at how easy I got a job offer (relative to the methods I had been using). The basic premise is, you really don't care what the results are... you will learn to relax, handle yourself, be yourself, and to have confidence...
Good luck...