The JW love is so shallow.
The GREAT LOVE is there. But only until they get baptized.
The JW are so programed to love others and HATE their own.
When I mean, THEIR OWN, I don't mean the newcomers or even the ones on the outskirts. It's the TRUE ONES OF THEIR OWN.
It's the Pioneers amongst Pioneers. It's the Elder's amongst Elders.
Yes, there is so called "love" for Bible Students and those "under" them. But put them on equal footing and they hate one another.
I've seen it.
I remember, one young girl, who was Aux Pioneering and all the other Pioneers where "Wooing her" to Regular Pioneer.
They were so kind to her. Similar to when a person first starts to study.
Then after she signed up, they gave her HELL.
And that "we have love because we don't go to war." Well if that was the case, guess what???
The Amish are also the true religion.
True love, true Christianity. True Love that Jesus showed, is reflect in our day to day activities.