I always picture the situation this way…
You’re on the street corner, it’s very late, dark, damp and cold, bone chilling. You’re waiting for the “Last Bus”.
You were told it would be here any minute but it’s been so very, very long, and there’s still not a bus in sight.
Sure from time to time between the scuds of rain and the lazy bitter wind that can’t be bothered to go around you but instead goes straight through you, you see headlights off in the distance and you think…maybe…this time…but no.
Disappointed again.
You now face a choice. Do you keep waiting and hoping, or do you set off walking? Do you trust the words of others, or do you say enough is enough and set off walking for home and the warm fire that’s waiting for you?
Fear tells you that if you start walking the bus will come and you’ll not get on board. You’ll lose. After all you’ve waited all this time and you’ve put up with such rotten conditions…
What to do.....?
My JW family are still waiting for the last bus to a better life.
I decided to set out walking, making my own way, ignoring the empty WT promises.
I have a better life.
They wait.
They now are coming to the realization that the life they hoped for will only come after they are dead. Now they pin their hopes on the resurrection.
Sad, very sad.
Kinda like telling someone on that cold, dark, dank street corner to go to sleep, with the promise that when the bus finally shows up they’ll be roused from their slumber.
As I said, I walked. I’m glad I did. No regrets. I’ll never look back.
To all you JWs…It’s been over 100 years now. 100 years and still NOTHING.
I know you’re going to say it means we’re just that much closer, heck, I said the same thing once upon a time…