Coffee Black is absolutely right. The WT is a heavy handed, strictly authoritarian organization who's rules must be obayed no matter what. The individual counts for very little.
Most JWs I knew were decent people who have been lied to, manipulated and fooled by the leadership. Yes, there were jerks too. It's noticable that the higher up people rise in the organization the more they start to resemble their Brooklyn bosses.
All of us were conditioned to present only the "positive" face of the society to those on the outside. We believed it was what god himself wanted us to do.
The organization reminds me of the "Soup Nazi" on the Seinfeld show, if you question or speak out there's no paradise for you!
If you've never been a JW under this type of control you just don't fully understand.
It's vital that people see all aspects of this damaging cult. I'm grateful for the insights and experiences that others share. I've been helped and I hope we can all help others get out or stay out of this religion.
Much harm has been done by the WT, but I believe the tide is turning slowly. People don't seem to follow so well these days, and if I can help the rot set in and folks get out, that's a good thing in my view.