Thanks for considering some of my comments. Many of us here are not discarding Jehovah and his promises. In my case, I was fine in the organization while my study habits were sloppy. When I decided to give it my full attention, I woke myself up. I still believe in Jehovah and I still believe that I will be saved. I just don't think that the organization is the way to salvation (you will most likely agree with this statement) but I don't think that you have seen the organization for what is full extent. Yes, any witness will agree with the fact that the org is not the way to salvation, yet if you leave, they won't think you will be saved anyway. Can you reconcile those two ideas?
My wife thinks very much like you. I tell her that I don't think she understand God or religion for that matter. I am in good standing and I still attend meetings. Anyone who speaks in defense of the org will tell you the same things you are saying. I am not saying you are not sincere or lying. I am just saying that everyone has this same opinion, but our experiences are filled with the complete opposite. Yes, some things are up to concious... they just don't tell you who's concious they are referring to.
If they know they don't have the absolute truth, why shun those who disagree or leave? Why are we breaking apart families for the sake of some "good intended iliterate" who thinks a prayer will make him the Einstein of bible understanding? For the sake of congregational unity? What if the dissenting brother was right? Where do we use his input to grow an polish our understanding of bible truth? Is congregational unity for important than truth? I don't think so. I have no problem kicking out a brother who continues to inflict on gross sin, like abusing a child... but even then it seems like the two witness rule weights more than all of the above.
I think that most of the sincere and logical gripe that you will find here is about an imperfect organization that demands the obedicence that can only be due to a perfect one, which does not exist. I don't think I would have a problem belonging to an organization that pushes to progressively understand the bible, while considering everyone's opinion and making sure families stay together in faith, not conditional obedience.
To show you I am not really ranting against you, I would tell you that I wish every other JW, not only thought the same way you do, but actually acted upon it.