JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
Baby steps taken with a grain of salt
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inseeing how my jw wife nearly lost it when i woke up to ttatt and was df'd just over a year ago, she has been showing cracks in her armor.. 1. she has stopped pioneering to resume her good-paying career, working full-time.. 2. she suggested marriage counseling.. 3. she suggested going to a latin rap concert at a casino for our anniversary.. 4. when we reconciled recently and began living together as a family again, she agreed to alternate weeks of jw activity with the kids, one week doing the jw thing with her and the next week not doing the jw thing with me .
5. she hasn't had perfect attendance at meetings or for field service since she started working full-time.
just last night, she skipped meeting to help co-workers prepare food for an employee appreciation luncheon held today.
Mr Hassan said in his book. True love will always win. Congrats and don't let the excitement take over your patience. -
December 15 2015 Watchtower - Blowing a Trumpet for RNWT
by The Searcher inself-praise is no praise, brooklyn!
however, having skimmed over this latest offering - which was neither researched nor written by the f.d.s., according to geoffrey jackson's sworn testimony in oz - here is my favourite statement: .
p. 26 par.
I guess this means that indeed then, the bible is written by men and not by God. Since God may have read it but there is no stamp of approval in it
Or wait, may be it means that the WT mag is actually inspired. Not by God but by the GB.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Agree. The heart speaks. Is what makes us humans. No amount of education or self inspection is going to turn us into robots, no matter how much you would like to think that you can do that.
I too highly respect people who can articulate so easily. Many of us are not able to do so in one statement and it takes some clarification to get to our point. If this wasn't the case, businesses would run in half or less the amount of meetings it takes today and Scott Adams wouldn't have a job making fun of corporate America.
You may be shocked for what I am about to say, but chances are that the disagreements you read between me and Viviane here, are probably rooted in the above. Although she would probably disagree. There is beauty in that.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
LMAO! Like you never left a question unanswered? Oh, sorry, I forgot... you were "bored". I told you I could keep going if you wanted to, which is more than a pinch ahead of not answering at all. -
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
I will choose to be the bigger person and I will quit having to explain everything you get wrong and everything else you read into my comments. Unless off course you want me to continue. I got plenty of energy but I usually take a break from the forums on weekends.
I will respect your right to pick apart my semantics any way you want but I will also exercise mine when and how I choose to. You have shown as many emotions in your critical thinking as anyone else here. You just channel it in a different way. You whine just as much as you perceive anyone else doing it.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
Your last post that offers nothing. If I am wrong about the comparison with a CPU, then please enlighten me.
I never said that "garbage in-out" it was "specific" to databases. You are adding words, something you accused others of doing. I said "we name this" in the industry. There are other terms adopted in the IT world that come from other areas or industries as well. But you offer no contrary explanation. Only offer to point that I am wrong, nothing more. If you think this has anything to do with my feelings, then apologize and carry on with your explanation. I am going to, in the other hand, proceed to tell you why I keep on and hopefully you would see that this has nothing to do with my feelings. Hopefully you would realize that I am pointing to something that does not hurts me personally but it hurts the very purpose of forums such as this one.
I once posted a thread that you did not agree with it. Me having a second hand english, typed something that was not necessarily accurate. I tried to explain that but you did not accept it. I apologized. You somehow are able to keep track of other long discussions but you somehow lost this thread of mine at the apology acceptance step. Fine. No problem there anymore. I messed up unintentionally but such was not a good reason for you.
The next encounter with you, you enter a thread with the question "Am I needed here?". Now please correct me if I am wrong but if we just consider the question, it seems to me that you feel you have some qualifications to enter a thread as a self proclaimed moderator. I still gave you the benefit of the doubt. I am relatively new to the forum and I am not aware if someone has been appointed as such (Sorry JW term). When I say I gave you the benefit of the doubt, it doesn't mean that somehow I am here to delivery justice by means of judging your entry strategy. I mean to say that you stood out in the crowd by means of what you said, but as you can see, I did not respond as if I felt attacked personally or my feelings were hurt. I did ask you at some point, on your own thread, if you meant to act as a moderator and since the thread was about "evidence of claims" you asked me what the evidence suggested you did and I said I was asking what your intentions were, not what it looked like. You never responded.
Ultimately, in another thread, you went in and read into an explanation of mine as if someone had called to judge me. When I clarified my explanation, you never returned. Are my feelings hurt? definitely not. You don't define me and I can drop this thing right here and now. The problem is that such actions of yours do not allow the conversation to continue. You come in here and demand answers from everyone but you can excuse your lack of answers on boredom. Excuse me but I find such attitude disruptive to the nature of forums like this one, where we are supposed to be able to discuss matters from our own understanding, based on our own experiences and hopefully educate each other, not at your standards but at the pace and reasoning that we are capable. I see threads that make no sense to me. I skip them if they are not of my interest, I can not contribute anything meaningful or ask for someone to please inform me further.
So as you can see. I got nothing personal to hurt for. You don't hurt me if you don't agree with me. You do bother me if each and every time I open a thread or I post an answer in a thread that you did not start, I have to write with the idea that you will eventually come, not to share information for the benefit of everyone or correct something based on facts, but to pick apart my statements and that of others as if you were called for that very purpose. Express your opinion on the matter, state your facts and let the crowd read and reason on their own.
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
It means they may have some critical thinking skills, not necessarily that they do.
It seem like you stated that you can have some critical thinking but not all of it. Not sure I understand that under the definition of critical thinking. Bolds mine.
statement by Michael Scriven & Richard Paul, presented at the 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, Summer 1987.
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.
As you can see, critical thinking has more in common with a computer CPU than it does with the amount of knowledge that you hold. In database terms we name this "garbage in-garbage out". A computer is not any better than the information it holds. If you provide the right information it can process it and give a good outcome but you can not fault the CPU if the information isn't there. This is why you will get a bad response if you generalize 'lack of critical thinking' under something that could be defined as 'ignorance'. You are pretty much telling someone that they don't have a brain.
That not responding in such cases rests credibility to your views. Is a matter of honor, wether you are right or wrong. But that is fine, you don't have to. You owe the answer, not to me, but to your ideals.
Drama played at pioneer school
by StarTrekAngel ini was having breakfast at home earlier this morning when my mil sat down at the table.
she started re hashing her previous day with us (wife and myself).
she was relating a story she got from another close relative who just finished the pioneer school.
Yes. That was the most shocking part to me. Since I walked into the conversation when it had started, I missed the part where this had taken place. It wasn't until she was done that I asked again.. where was this at? I was assuming all along this was during some sort of social gathering. JWs in my area have the custom of putting up plays done by publishers to celebrate pioneers. I was shocked to hear this was during a pioneer school. Now let me clarify, this wasn't official WT drama. This was put in front of the school as a sort of closing ceremony. But still, the fact that someone who is there to teach pioneers allowed this message to be played, means they support the idea. -
WHEN people leave a cult...MAN landed on the moon? Or critical thinking......
by The Rebel ini believe anyone who has voluntarily left a cult has shown they can adapt to new solutions, and have used " critical thinking" skills otherwise most would not have left.. yet i believe a safe place for support is still needed and this safe place i believe is searched for.. now i may not measure up to much in ways of education, but for me personally " critical thinking skills" = " new" a " new" way of thinking, that takes time for me the individual to be visual and to contemplate.
and the more i read about " critical thinking," the more convinced i am that i can live with the ridicule of those that claim i do not possess it.
furthermore i would say those that criticise others " critical thinking skills," often luck the sensibility and thoughts to snore, spit, and fart....nor would they understand a room full of tobacco smoke and cheap booze...where " critical thinking " can often be found in its most profound, in the most sensitive poems and "pictures" that were ever drawn.
You still didn't accept my apology.
I just can't wrapt my head around this last thing you said. it means they may have some thinking skills? but they don't? Sorry, excuse my stupidity.
I don't think I can make it any more clear for you. You accused me of having "pretend knowledge" in another thread and then you went silent. You seem to get conveniently "bored" or "busy". I am busy too. I don't start arguments I know I won't have time to finish. I have a job too.
Anyway, to answer more in line with Cappytan's perspective. I think I had the critical thinking skills to see this cult for what it was all along. What I lacked was the information that needed processing. Namely history of the cult and past fiascos. Critical thinking is not the cake mix, is the mixer. If yo came to me and told me I did not have critical thinking skills I would have taken offense, because in my limited knowledge of the situation I was under the understanding that I was fine. The other half of the debate (the cult) also managed to convinced that I indeed had critical thinking skills and that is why I was in the cult. When the other information required came up, then I was quickly able to see the light. In other words, I was ignorant, not incapable of reasoning based on facts. I don't min d people calling me ignorant. I know I ignore many things.
How Scary Are Circuit Overseers Now?
by minimus inback in the day, when the co came to the congregation, it was quite stressful for the elders and often, the rank and file.
is it as big a deal as it used to be?.
Oh and the video opened with the reference to Paul as a "traveling overseer of the first century congregation". The video compares the modern days CO to Paul. I guess they forgot the part where Paul worked to earn a living.