Go check out this other one, apparently from the December 2015 WT
Go check out this other one, apparently from the December 2015 WT
sorry, i don't mean to repeat things someone may already have posted but there are some jewels out there in jw-archive.
Sorry, I don't mean to repeat things someone may already have posted but there are some jewels out there in JW-Archive
wtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:.
http://www.sec.gov/archives/edgar/vprr/07/9999999997-07-048801 .
wtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:.
http://www.sec.gov/archives/edgar/vprr/07/9999999997-07-048801 .
witnesses are not supposed to stand for the national anthem but can stand for a flag salute.. you can't say bless you if someone sneezes, good luck!, or " you too" if someone says, happy holidays.. it is a religion of cannot dos.
everything is pagan and worldly.. what are things that are unacceptable to jehovah's witnesses that really are no big deal to everyone else?
Mad Irishman,
Me and my wife do many things that are actually frowned upon. We just can't tell anyone or the judging will begin. Now do I care?? No I don't, but I know she does. You can't take this things in isolation. You can't discount the influence put on by the different constructs that you get from being there for decades.
One of the meetings this summer happened to be in one of the hottest Sundays of the year here in Texas. We 112 F in the shadow. I told my wife.. I am not going to wear my coat today, just shirt and tie. She said, why don't you just take it off right after we walk in? I said, because the heat outside is what I am trying to avoid, the inside of the KH is fine. She then asked.. Why don't you just take in your hand, put it on right before the door and take it off right after you sit down?
I rolled my eyes secretly and just put the coat on and left for the meeting.
statement of geoffrey jackson to royal commission of australia regarding child sexual abuse.
published september 2nd.
I too understand it to mean literal sickness. I depart from the fact that If I am to believe in a superior, all loving, all knowing God who left behind scriptures for me to follow, with no other means of knowing he exists, then it must be easy to understand. I should not need a PHD in linguistics in order to understand what this God wants.
While one could say that the spiritual application is valid, is still referred to healing, not judging.
ok, i was reading a story about fords new ford gt, one hot extreme muscle car.
the story tells about how a car like this normally takes 6 or more years from, first scratches on paper to finished project.
their small handful of specialist, pulled it off in 2. and right until it was finished, no one out side of the small circle of people (about 25 people ) really knew anything, except something special was in the works!.