JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
My thoughts on the last WT study. Keep in Expectation
by StarTrekAngel inso i sat thru another brain mushing session for the sake of family.
it is no myth by now that the more time you spend awake the harder it is the accept that people just take all of this in without asking.
a computer has more reasoning abilities than your average jw at this point.
Thanks Divergent. Another good text to add. This was just another article to make JWs feel special about their "secret knowledge". I am glad me or my family won't be around for the next one. We will be having a good time somewhere on vacation. -
My thoughts on the last WT study. Keep in Expectation
by StarTrekAngel inso i sat thru another brain mushing session for the sake of family.
it is no myth by now that the more time you spend awake the harder it is the accept that people just take all of this in without asking.
a computer has more reasoning abilities than your average jw at this point.
So I sat thru another brain mushing session for the sake of family. It is no myth by now that the more time you spend awake the harder it is the accept that people just take all of this in without asking. A computer has more reasoning abilities than your average JW at this point. You can load and compile new code into a computer. By itself the computer will never know if it is being loaded with a virus but at least the compiler will find syntax errors or dependencies that can't be fulfilled. In the same fashion a JW may not be able to tell if they are in "the truth" without consulting an outside source but you would think they would be able to tell when they are being deviated from the scriptures. Such does not seem to be the case.
1 Timothy 2:4 speaks of a God who wishes everyone would be saved and come to know him. This isn't one of the many little known scriptures that JW so conveniently ignore. No, this is a well known text and its significance has been the subject of entire wt articles in the past.
Yet, this past Sunday, the one paragraph often used to drive witnesses to be at the forefront of neighborhood annoyances was utterly dismissed. In summary, the article explained that we should not expect the signs of the end to be so obvious that everyone would se them. If not, the article said, it would cause everyone to believe. See paragraph bellow
But do you expect conditions to become before “the great tribulation”? (Rev. 7:14) For example, do you expect that there will be a war in every country, no food on anyone’s table, and illness in every household? Under those conditions, even skeptics would likely feel compelled too admit bible prophecy was undergoing fulfillment. However, Jesus said that most people would take no notice of his presence, carrying on with life’s normal activities until it is too late. (Read Matthew 24:37-39.) Thus, the Scriptures indicate that world conditions during the last days would not become so extreme that people would be forced to believe that the end is near”
In other words, God does not really want everyone to be saved. He is afraid that if he makes the signal too obvious, the prophecies of revelation would not be fulfilled? What happened to Rev 1:7?
Most JWs don't realize the kind of God they are portraying when they support this teachings. From the stand of a believer, one who loves of people and worships a god who truly wishes for everyone to be saved, such statements don't make any sense. The reality is that the bible speaks of signs that are indeed obvious and that will truly show who would be in expectation and who is not. One of the MS's made a comment saying that being in expectation was like picking someone up at the bus station back in the days when cell phones did not exist. You show up at the bus station in or around the time the bus is supposed to show up. If it doesn't show up on time, you keep looking and waiting. Unfortunately the article makes it sound exactly like the emperors new clothes. Only he would see the bus, everyone else will not.
another funny thing I noticed while typing this. The bellow statement was added automatically when a copied and pasted a piece of the wt article
Excerpt From: WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower, August 15, 2015.” Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
These guys just freak me out!
by John Aquila inok, i didnt think anything about it.
but last night some friends from across the city called me up and said that the co was visiting their hall and in his talk he said that the society is getting geared up for a massive kingdom hall and assembly hall construction project worldwide next year.
they told the publishers; "get ready".
There are two threads in JW-Archive discussing the halting of construction. So it is obvious that many witnesses have heard the rumor. They are not calling it a rumor though. That makes me think that there might be a concussion campaigned being launched so that whatever other rumors the R&F may hear, they will shut down and continue donating. -
"If you are teaching intolerance, we WILL shut you down!" English Prime Minister David Cameron
by stuckinarut2 inthe prime minister of england made the above statement yesterday regarding any schools that influence youths in a negative manner.. he went on to say that if youths are influenced in a negative manner regarding religious teachings that promote judgement of others (including same sex relationships, etc ) or that look down on other peoples free choice, the government would take action.. i cant find a newspaper article sorry...i just heard it on the radio news.... very interesting may have a bearing on how those who learn ttatt are treated by the organization??
A scientist can collect 100 pieces of evidence that proves his theory and continue thinking that he may be wrong. A religious person makes a claim and no evidence will ever make him see his flaws. -
This is the dude running QCS Telecom
by StarTrekAngel inwe all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
QCS Telecom had no infrastructure, no customers, no liabilities, no revenues, no employees or facilities when it was sold to WT. If I remember correctly, the permit they filed stated that in order for the purchase of the shares to be approved, they had to promise to buy all the output they would produce. The elder that owned it was the sole owner of 2000 shares of the company.
In other words, I could promise to buy all the candy you have not produce, from a factory you have not built yet, as long as you sell me the shares. I will then capitalize you to be able to do all of the above so I can "buy it"
This is the dude running QCS Telecom
by StarTrekAngel inwe all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
LOL.. I've seen plenty of comments from that Thomas Rook Jr. He seems to be on the brink of throwing the towel. He criticizes the org heavily but still feels is Jehovahs Org. It just needs refinement. Very eloquent individual and well articulated, especially in longer posts. -
This is the dude running QCS Telecom
by StarTrekAngel inwe all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
I am assuming so. Most of the other profiles he is linked to have the JW somewhere in there. -
This is the dude running QCS Telecom
by StarTrekAngel inwe all remember the acquisition of qcs telecom by the wtbts.
this was posted on jw-archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager.
if it is true that they are actually putting down 100g network, i can tell you first hand that is effing expensive.
We all remember the acquisition of QCS Telecom by the WTBTS. This was posted on JW-Archive with a link to a linkedin profile of the alleged project manager. If it is true that they are actually putting down 100G network, I can tell you first hand that is effing expensive. Not considering all the other required infrastructure, like the fiber optic cable itself, the electronics alone are in the millions of dollars. At my work, we have our own fiber optic crew. We bury fiber optic and depending on the terrain and other issues, it can ran an average of $60,000 a mile. At the claimed 200 mi that would be about $12,000,000. Provided nothing makes it more expensive, like running into environmentally sensitive areas. We were lined up to provide fiber optic connectivity for SpaceX in Brownsville. We had to walk away from it because the cost burying fiber near Boca Chica beach (a protected area), meant we had to create a wildlife reserve to make up for the lost ecosystem. Management in my company said no.
A router capable of handling 100 G connection can go upwards of $200,000. A single port 100G router card is about $80,000 by itslef. They will definitely need more than one of those babies.
The other thing to notice... he has no formal education on the matter.
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Mad Irishman, Are you Richard's dad? -
What other Shenanigans can we expect to see in the next 2 years?
by John Aquila inits been a little over 2 years since i left the watchtower.
in that time the magazines have been cut, the birth of jwtv, jw-org.
carts for preaching, removed district overseers, cut assemblies, demand all the money from the congregations, stop construction and layoff bethelites, change the format of the tmschool .
The credit card thing already exists.