Faith requires works as a foundation to stand ground. Don't get me wrong. I am not necessarily talking about work of the like of preaching or feeding the poor. We are usually told the Jews for example, were of little faith because despite all the things they had seen, the could not quit complaining when they felt trapped in between the Egyptian army and the red sea. If you ask most modern christians what they would have done in such situation they would tell you that unlike the jews, they would have trusted in God absolutely.
This is based in a misunderstanding of what faith is. The faith the Jews had was being solidified as their relationship with God went on. They accepted their God could bring about the plagues but may be, just may be, saving them from the Egyptian army in a situation where they did not have weapons themselves was too much for this new God they had just discovered. Every other work that this God did for them increased their understanding of how powerful and capable this God was. Some, like Moises, were a little more impressionable than the others and were able to "trust" sooner. There are plenty of examples in the bible of people who were commanded to carry out a task that seemed impossible. Where the odds were against them. Unlike the religions of today, God did not demand that the blindly trusted. They asked for proof that God would bless their mission and only then they had "faith".
Just as when you go to a bank to ask for a loan, the bank bases their decision on your credit history, faith is a credit report for God, not humans. Some humans would need more or less information in order to submit to the said deity, but none the less, the faith that religion promotes today is blind faith. It demands everything from you but shows nothing from their claimed authority.