I will summarize counsel given to me as well as my wife.
- You need to look up information about this piece of jewelry (Anklet I gave to my wife), it used to be the adorn of prostitutes in biblical times. (holier than thou pioneer sister talking to my wife before FS)
- How was FS today? (holier than thou elder seriously asking me a Saturday afternoon when I showed up to fix his computer. I had clearly not shaved that day)
- Brother elder wants you to know that you can use your iPad to read your MS outline but not to read the bible. The bible should be read from the book to avoid stumbling newcomers. (MS overseer advice, two weeks after GB member Jackson gave a number of talks at our International Convention in Houston. Using nothing but an iPad)
- Only exemplary Christians can have the privileges, like handling the mic or managing the parking duties at assemblies. Can anyone tell me how to we know an exemplary Christian? -Brother1: A brother that clearly conducts his life on bible principles. Elder: That is ok but, is there another answer? Brother2: Someone who clearly underlines the magazine every week. Elder: Exactly!! (publisher meeting prior to an assembly)