I've always pondered with the idea that this whole move to abbreviate their name into JW is a move to later change it to Jesus' Witnesses and bridge the old to the new. 30 years from now witnesses will be taught that the JWs of the 20th century were wrong about worshipping Jehovah exclusively.
JWs insist on the importance of the name because is one of the many weak arguments they have to "show" they have Jehovahs' blessing. Nevermind that the bible states that miracles would be the way to bear witness to converts.
jwfacts is right. For being called "witnesses" the surely distorted the importance of "bearing witness" as being the most important part of spreading belief. Jehovah does no longer needs witnesses, as I understand, as he has sent forth his son as the eternal covenant. Such covenant needs to be witnessed not just with words, but works as well. I am thru with man made religions until the day someone cures a sick person in front of my very eyes. In other words, I am thru forever because I don't really thinks it will ever happen.