I agree with most of your replies except that the part I don't understand is the lack of her making a more complete statement. Like I said, if she said that something is not suitable to her shape I would understand.
Let me make an example with myself. I like tattoos and I would get one if I found one that I liked. In the same tone, I like those tribal tattoos that some bodybuilders do on their chest and extend to the shoulders.
The way I see it, there is a difference between the following two statements.
1) I like chest tattoos and I like how it looks in others but I would never get one
2) I like chest tattoos but I don't get one because I don't have the muscle physique to carry one but If I did, I would consider getting one because I do like them
In my view, the first statement tells me you don't really have a reason to refuse the option is everything is there. Wether it is your skin color, shape, heights or anything else, I can understand why but if you don't add the rest, I find it hard to understand why not. She makes statements similar to number one only. May be my problem is not assuming that she actually meant like number two but she never really verbalizes it, which still makes me mad because I would hope she would really tell me how she feels.