If you don't believe in God, well that is a bit harder to work on.
If you still believe in God, shake off the watchtower teachings. I just met an ex-co worker a few weeks ago. He left the WT after marrying outside the religion. He felt he was mistreated and went on to explore other religions. Eventually he settled for the 7th day adventist. (not much of a change right?) and he told me he has bible studies of his own. Based in our conversation, he is teachings his bible studies to be witnesses outside of the religion itself. He has not been able to re question the same old questions.
The WT would want you to believe that even the earliest characters in the bible had the same faith they have today. That may be they did not understand everything but, for example. Joseph knew adultery was wrong ( I don't believe so anymore)
With that in mind, think about the off spring of Joseph, after Jacob moved to Egypt. When Moises was commanded to go to the Son of Israel, he knew they had forgotten about God. They did not know who this God was or what he could do. That is why Moises asked God for a sign to take along.
God may well be gone. And if this is in parallel with anything that happened before, any faith is better than none, but no faith does not mean death either. God would basically have to come back and prove himself once again.
If you believe only in Jesus, well, I don't believe he referred to preaching (as the WT wants you to think) when he said "those who stand until the end will be saved". He was referring to doing good deeds. People get tired of doing good when the enviromment is as bad as it can get. Doing the right thing, no matter what and for the rest of your life isn't easy. Pretending to care while walking the streets and counting hours is. Jesus could have not possibly refer to the latter.