Vidiot. I could not agree more. That has always been my feeling regarding celebrations as well. Most of the celebrations that are frowned upon are those that happen consistently year after year. Hence the yearly expense of celebrating them. Things like graduations and marriage are ok since they only happen once or twice in a lifetime. Even if they include rituals of pagan origin.
As far as casting lots, that is another point of contention of mine. It is hard, in my view, to necessarily compare it to gambling. Any well studied witness would easily refute that argument. The lots in questions, for example, during the selection of a replacement for Judas, were cast under prayer. In the context of the bible, the result was not random. It was God's hand at work. This was one of the first things I questioned once I woke up. In our area, lots of people seem to believe in bibliomancy. The idea that if you have a question or concern, you can pray to God and then open the bible at random with the certainty that God would direct you to the answer you seek. We used to go around in FS telling people such thing was not biblical and did not happen. I fail to see the difference between casting lots and opening the bible at random after a prayer.