Sounds like an attempt to tap into crowd biasing. Everyone is donating therefore you should donate too.
JoinedPosts by StarTrekAngel
2016-12-29 BOE Re: Donations in Support of Kingdom Interests Worldwide
by wifibandit indecember 29, 2016 to all congregations re: donations in support of kingdom interests worldwide.
a test of the blood doctrine belief for my husband.
by nonjwspouse inwe discussed what he would do if i were incapacitated and our daughter needed a blood transfusion would he refuse and he said no.
( i do want that in writing still) .
now she is having a tonsillectomy, adnoidectomy and the back of an earring removed from her ear lobe( don't ask, i feel like a mother failure enough already!
Prepare as much as you can even on the things that feel unnecessary. It would not hurt to even consider following some of the advice given to those who demand bloodless surgery (like prepping her system for a substantial loss). Besides, that may put your husband more at ease seeing that you are open to alternatives if they work. Most witnesses in my area are terrified of the word "transfusion". Many still do believe that such procedure would give you whatever decease the donor had. Including diabetes. (heard that one myself)
I just had surgery (septoplasty) about a month ago. I don't know what happened to me but when it came down to the final hour (naked in a gown already) I got severely nervous to the point where they had to sedate me to lower my blood pressure. I was ready to quit and walk out of the hospital in the same gown. During this time the nurses came to finish paperwork. One of the many questions asked where whether I would accept a blood transfusion if needed. I immediately said yes but I realized later on that such answer did not come from either side of the blood debate. It was pure and simply a nervous instinct to protect myself. I can not imagine that anyone can make a conscious decision on the matter if it had to be made with just hours to spare and a group of elders surrounding you.
"Casting Lots", How Was It Considered Acceptable?
by JW_Rogue inthe jws strongly condemn any form of gambling or decision making that invokes luck or divination.
however, no where in the bible is the "casting of lots" which basically amounted to gambling specifically condemned.
also, many jws don't realize that jewish priests (levites) were instructed to make decisions using the urim and thummin which many scholars argue was a divination practice similar to casting lots..
Vidiot. I could not agree more. That has always been my feeling regarding celebrations as well. Most of the celebrations that are frowned upon are those that happen consistently year after year. Hence the yearly expense of celebrating them. Things like graduations and marriage are ok since they only happen once or twice in a lifetime. Even if they include rituals of pagan origin.
As far as casting lots, that is another point of contention of mine. It is hard, in my view, to necessarily compare it to gambling. Any well studied witness would easily refute that argument. The lots in questions, for example, during the selection of a replacement for Judas, were cast under prayer. In the context of the bible, the result was not random. It was God's hand at work. This was one of the first things I questioned once I woke up. In our area, lots of people seem to believe in bibliomancy. The idea that if you have a question or concern, you can pray to God and then open the bible at random with the certainty that God would direct you to the answer you seek. We used to go around in FS telling people such thing was not biblical and did not happen. I fail to see the difference between casting lots and opening the bible at random after a prayer.
Social gathering on December 25th
by StarTrekAngel ini remember clearly the many times that in the past they have insisted on not showing their faces out in the street on this day.
i am exaggerating.
but i mean they've always insisted on being out and about very early on christmas day... preaching.. most elders in my congregation believed this was the best time to preach since most people were celebrating a religious holiday.
I remember clearly the many times that in the past they have insisted on not showing their faces out in the street on this day. Well, not really. I am exaggerating. But I mean they've always insisted on being out and about very early on Christmas day... preaching.
Most elders in my congregation believed this was the best time to preach since most people were celebrating a religious holiday. They thought it was the perfect ice breaker. I can not recall one single outing in which an interested party was found. As I used to tell my wife "Its a bad idea to be out in service on December 25th early morning. The only thing we will achieve is piss off drunk people"
However, I do recall the "lectures" on how having a social gathering on December 25th was frowned upon. Most brothers and sisters saw it as an opportunity to get everyone together, since no one had anything better to do and besides, most people did not work that day. The elders and the "society" in the other hand, always pointed out that our neighbors may get the wrong idea. As if we are celebrating Christmas as a group.
Apparently our congo has reconsidered. The elders themselves were out and about inviting us all to a gathering to be had on the 25th right after the meeting. Needless to say we did not go to the gathering or the meeting for that matter.
I can not help to think that they have seen this idea of keeping up appearances has failed. Most neighbors won't even bother to notice that there is a feast next door and most brothers and sisters would spent December 25th with their non-JW relatives otherwise. Then excuse themselves off as "we are just spending time with family. We did not hang the decorations, they did". Social media has probably exposed most of them and so the elders probably figure is better to give them another place to be on that day. Do this for a couple of years and then prepare a talk in which you scold those who prefer worldly company over spiritual company and guilt trip them.
Elders School 2017: New instructions to handle sexual abuses?
by sp74bb inan informant in spanish forum, active elder in a congregation in madrid (spain) has posted new info regarding elders school 2017. important changes are to be done for "child" or sexual abuses.
doing a summary:.
So in other words....more CYA
A better way to ask questions - Anybody remember "Amazing"?
by Bonnie_Clyde infirst of all, i wonder whatever happened to jim whitney (aka amazing).
when i first joined this forum, i remember being so impressed by the way he got his family out.
instead of knocking the organization head-on, he would ask questions that can't be answered during his family study, such as, "how would you answer someone if they said we were false prophets?
I think he may had a very particular situation with his family. He had probably earned 120% of their trust over the years. If one of your loved ones is a bit colder when it comes to questioning, they may be faster to judge your intentions than to actually ponder over the question. My wife for example, can not see the potential danger behind attending (if not following, just attending) a church that may have dark secrets or a dark past. However, her first judgement when I lend my careless 12 year old a $1000 camera is that I want her to break it so I can have an excuse to get a new one. Never can she conclude that my girl is better off chasing butterflies with a camera than sitting on the couch watching TV all day.
New MacBook Pro fails with lowsy 3 to 4 hour battery life
by jwleaks inwith 2017 fast looming i was looking at upgrading my laptop and was eagerly awaiting the release, and reviews, for the new apple macbook pro series and the promoted longer battery life.. fail ... 3 to 4 hrs for the battery life.
lowsy results also reported by apple discussion members.. new macbook pros fail to earn 'consumer reports' recommendation.
by jerry beilinson.
I've been using Macs since about 2006. Here at work that is all they give us, everything is Apple. In my humble opinion, Apple products began quickly changing for the worst once Steve Jobs died. May be a coincidence but I notice the sacrifices being made in the name of marketing when Steve used to strive for practical functionality. For people who travel a lot weight is key, may be not size but weight. Also, I am sure that in this day an age the airline industry probably appreciates this push for lighter, thinner computers. But after all, those are the numbers that sell a lot. How much futuristic the product looks, not how much more futuristic the product works.
Has waking up ever made you physically ill?
by fizzle inhas waking up ever made you physically ill?
perhaps because of the emotional strain etc..?.
if if so what were / are the symptoms?.
To me this clearly demonstrates that we are victims. I get a bit agitated by some people out there who think we got what we deserved. Whether they think we are dumb or that we always had a choice to do the right thing but we choose not to. Your reality is radically changed when you are a JW and so you always feel you are doing the right thing, which now looking back makes you wonder... what was I thinking about?. Steven Hassan very clearly describes it in his book. Cult members did not change. They do not turn good or bad for that matter. Their will is not under control, rather the enviromment under which the will is exercised has changed and therefore they do things that are logical to outsiders but sounds very logical to them.
JWs vandalizing homes/property of apostates
by StarTrekAngel ini have read over the past few years of many cases of elder harassment and unwanted visitations.
however, there is a couple of stories out there where it has been presented that eventually the apostate in question comes home one day to find that their home has been trashed or covered with graffiti, which by the words written, seems to imply that it was a jw taking "revenge" or seemingly delivering divine justice against the apostate.
most of these are stories i've read online from several years ago.. have you individually or the group ever heard or stumbled upon these cases?
I have read over the past few years of many cases of elder harassment and unwanted visitations. However, there is a couple of stories out there where it has been presented that eventually the apostate in question comes home one day to find that their home has been trashed or covered with graffiti, which by the words written, seems to imply that it was a JW taking "revenge" or seemingly delivering divine justice against the apostate. Most of these are stories I've read online from several years ago.
Have you individually or the group ever heard or stumbled upon these cases? If so, have you ever had reason to believe the individual in question, while truthful about their harassment, was trying to increase attention to themselves?
Has waking up ever made you physically ill?
by fizzle inhas waking up ever made you physically ill?
perhaps because of the emotional strain etc..?.
if if so what were / are the symptoms?.
For me it was difficult to point to a trigger so for a while it was hard to relate one with the other, which made it scary. I slowly began to realize that anything that was emotional, wether excitement about something good or anxiety about something bad, would eventually lead to the same physical manifestations. I could be laying down in my couch watching a comedy and laughing my butt off. Clear minded and all and then all of a sudden it would come.