I just went over the whole theocracy of the matter. Given the new light, they are now waiting on the overlapping of spiritual years to be complete. Basically, before they would report on the number of publishers and publications given in a typical theocratic year which, although it did not coincide with a worldly calendar year, it did consist of 365 days, give or take. Now, with the new understanding, they must adjust their thinking and realize that there is an overlap of two theocratic years. Therefore, any publication distributed or hours preached during this overlap must be counted both, towards the current yearly report as well as counted again on the next year. Conclusion: Jehovah's organization keeps growing at unprecedented rates.
I tell you folks. If you don't understand this, pray to Jehovah and wait for a broadcast that would explain it all. This is the sort of stuff that, so far, only quantum physicist were able to understand. Yes, only quantum physics can attempt to explain how an hour of time can be part of two years at the same time. But now, thanks to the F&DS, we can understand things that are beyond the average worldly individual.
[/a] end of sarcasm [/a]