Your post peaked my interest. I put my vomit bag beside my computer and clicked on play. Now I want to rant too!!!!!
The first sentence was "Look back to learn. Look ahead to live." Then he talked about Jehovah telling us from BEHIND on how to walk....God almighty! You can tell how God isn't telling them how to walk, because the JW's are walking in a zig-zag direction. They don't know where to hell they are going! The end is it's not...yes it is...this generation, no that generation. Give me a break!
Then they talk about only looking back to learn from past mistakes. God almighty! If we look back with eyes of reason, we realize we were duped!!!!!
"No one can deceive Jehovah" I want to scream out "Dumb-nuts listen to what you are saying....jerk!!!!'
I am with you about the video. I could have sworn I was looking at a Hallmark movie trailer. I have nothing against TV, but why are they spending all that cash on movie productions when they could be spending it assist the needy and infirmed? What about all those Bethelites that were booted out, without anything but a handshake? Even wordy companies give a stipend of some sort.... "Be warm and well fed" It's all about worshiping the cult. Where is the love??????